Mohawks Rock

I know, I has been discussed here before...

but after spending several hours Saturday bleaching my hawk so I had some hope of the crazy color being visible, I am soooo annoyed that one of the Manic Panic dyes barely took and the other isn't exactly winning any prizes for it's staying power. 

   I usually buy local and here you either get Manic Panic and a choice of colors, or you can buy one other brand (the name escapes me now) in either Pink, Pinkish Red, or Black....not colors I want (at this time).    


   so let's hear your Manic Panic rants (and any good alternatives you've found/bad experiences ordering dye on line, etc).


  I am so freaking pissed that I paid NINE FREAKING DOLLARS A POT for hair dye that really doesn't dye anything except stuff you dont' want it on.  how in holy hell can this stuff stain my hands, my sink, my floor, my towels and yet NOT STICK TO MY FREAKING HAIR.  if i didn't think it was animal cruelty, i'd put a dot on one of the cats just to see if it had any staying power on them!!!!!   When I was a kid it was either MP or kool aid.  SURELY IN THE 15+ YEARS I'VE BEEN DOING THIS STUFF TO MY HAIR SOMETHING BETTER HAS COME ALONG!!! 

  I just want a good BRIGHT purple (I think I used MP ultra violet, purple haze is darker than what i want) I'd wanted a green, but couldn't find any local so I went with a turquoise-y color..not quite green, but not totally blue. The purple has done as well as can be expected...but the Turquoise was almost totally gone by Monday. WTF WTF WTF WTF.     Seriously, I'd been better off with kool least when it failed, I'd be out 88 cents, not nine dollars!!!!!!!!



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PUNKY COLORS is really good! it last on average depending on how much you wash your hair a good couple weeks. BUT
i hear there is one even better out there, i have never personally tried it but i met this chick t a dhow who was telling me that the only way you could get it is off the internet. its called special effects. i took a look at it. they have a pretty decent variety of colors. but it says its suppost to last up to around 3- 5 weeks or something like that. but if your lookng for pure color that you dont have to get off the internet that holds pretty well and has a HUGE variety of color, i would suggest punky color

I've never had a problem with manic panic. I've been using it since i was about 11 or 12 when i first started dying my hair wacky colors and  the thing is dont just leave it in for an hour or two sleep in it  or wait till it gets hard. It doesn't have anything that really damages your hair so its fine. Its the same one my aunt uses for her fire truck red hair (shes a beautician and swears on it ) To me it really works and has never failed me. 

yeah shit washes out like a bitttttch not fun..i moved on to N RAGE!

I guess every one's hair is different but i have real thick mexican hair and it works fine and it takes like a month to wash out or start fading. This is also the only dye that has ever worked for me but never tried SE. Any suggestions on where to get it ?? online that is

Manic Panic is horrible...I've been dyeing my hair for about...7 years now and I learned way early on that Manic Panic SUCKS ASS.

I used Special Effects for a while which lasted longer and was brighter.

Now though, I would have to say SPLAT is amazing. Go look through my pics.. the bright purples, blues, teals, everything..thats all SPLAT. And they last a long time.


some MP dyes are okay, apparently the blues are better than the warmer tones. i used Mystic Heather on light blond hair with some teal, it only dyed my roots and tinted the rest, so i have weird pastel gradient hair. apparently it's best to leave it in for 5-7 hours but i'm waaay too impatient.

the only other dye around here is punky color, which is pretty good but usually really dark.

fat friend of mine (recently moved) dyed his hair red and blue with manic panic, but when he sweat it trickled off his head. So by then end of the day he has red and blue stripes goin down his face


I shivered. D:

yea, no kiddin

My favorite is punky color. It smells great and lasts forever for me.


There is a really awesome thread that is like a snippit of people and how they liked the dye. And its organized by color. :3

For me different colors are better from one brand then another.


Punky color = yellow + black


special fx = pink


splat = red, blue, green


manic panic fucking sucks.

Wow really? Ive never had a problem with Manic Panic, me and friend have used it alot, it never fails us , and we bleach our own hair. Maybe some hairdyes just dont work with some peoples hair, and trust me ive had to use 2 bleach kits on my hair at once because my hair is naturally really dark , it almost looks black, so its kinda hard for me to get it to its lightest whenever dyeing my own hair


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