Mohawks Rock

I was just wondering if when you lost your virginity was it all you expected ? was it with the right person ? I'll start , I was 21 she was 22 , it was all over before I knew what I was doing , it was on my honey moon , I'll never forget it but I think she would like to lol

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best to keep it then rather than give it to someone just for the hell of it , when you get a little older like me :) you will realise that sex although great is'nt everything , I get as much pleasure out of someones company and thoughts as I used to with sex , but then again I'm a little weird lol
i was 18 he was 25.. at the time we had been together almost a year. it was great, were still together and ill always be happy it was with him, even if we do eventually split somewhere down the road.
doh sounds to me like deep down you are unsure if it is going to last .
not really.. just being realistic. i dont see us splitting up in the future at all, but its not like its an uncommen thing. its rare for people to stay together forever anymore...

i love him to death, i just wouldnt be suprised if he gets sick of my shit at some point in life haha.
at least he wasn't a stranger , I would rather of lost it to someone who was a good friend like you did , just cause later he turned into a big head wanker does not detract from the fact that you were good friends first :)
I'm seventeen and still a virgin. My boyfriend of about 1 and a half years and I have talked a lot about it, and we've decided that we're waiting...not necessarily until marriage, but until our lives have at least taken a bit more shape. It's not the most romantic way to do it, but we're both pretty young right now, we want to be ready - both emotionally and birth control-wise, and we want it to be meaningful.
sounds to me Pez like you both have your head screwed on right :) and a big plus is that you both feel comfortable enough with each other to be able to talk about it , communication is the key to a great relationship .
how do you mean you were just little lol
Haha. I kinda had the same thought.
But you never know... a lot of times people can look/act older than they are too...
I remember that. The relationships that lasted a week and it was a SUPER long time xD
And if you dated someone a grade older than you (even if you were the same age) you were a total slut.
That stuff was hilarious.

Of course it never happened to me- I couldn't get a boyfriend back then. xD
But the 11-12 to 14-15 gap is a kinda big stretch.
Mostly maturity wise.
i was 14 when i first did anything sexual. after about 6 sexual partners (mostly flings and one night stands) and another 2 years, i met my current boyfriend. i slept with him after about 2 months and although it was painful, i was glad it was with him. a year later and we're still together. i love him to pieces and he's my best friend.

even though i was never in love with any of those 6 boys, i'm still glad stuff happened. i'm experienced and confident when it comes to sex, i've NEVER practised unsafe sex, and i've only ever done stuff i'm happy with doing.
the things that are key to sex with someone is communication, being ready and being safe. if you can't talk to them about things, are doing it 'to get it over with' or aren't using contaception, then you shouldn't be doing it.
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