Mohawks Rock


Well I think I am ready to get a mohawk, but I am finding it hard to get them on board with my decision. I just like the looks of mohawk! I want to know the first time you asked your parents and what was their reaction??

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Guess I have some pretty cool parents. I could tell my mom didn't like the idea of me cutting it, but she went with me (had to watch my kids) and once she saw it she really liked it and thought it looked good. My dad likes it and calls it my anime hair.

Course my mom took me to get my first non-trditional piercing around 15, used to help me dye my hair blue in high school, and even watched me get my third tattoo. My grandma bought me my first hair dye for Valentine's day, aww. My dad didn't like my piercings at first, but let me get them because they could come out when I got older and came to my senses, haha... they're still in though :D He liked all my tattoos, I always thought it was funny he liked my ink better, maybe he just doesn't like the aesthetics of piercings, dunno.

Glad I have great parents, hope I can let my children explore life in the same manner.
My dad didn't care at all. Mom ranted about it saying stuff about ruining myself, asked if i wanted to be a guy and she said i was gonna make her cry. Don't know why it bothered her, she shaved my whole head once (was a punishment but still). I assume shes fine with it now.
Parents didn't talk to me for about 2 weeks.
My Dad keep on telling me he was going to shave if out in my sleep...
I mean "OFF" not
welll my parents were quite alright with it, mommy cut it for me, and dad sat their watching while drunk. Honestly my mom and dad both really love my hair.
Fortunately, my mum is used to me doing things that most people don't do, so the mohawk didn't really rank up there enough to provoke a reaction other than "you're almost 40!". When I was at university I had a multi coloured dreadlock on my forehead and the rest of my head shaved... I took enough abuse over that that I think I'm probably safe doing anything I like now without parents freaking out.
My Mom did it for me, at first she was like "wtf why", and now shes like "wow it actually suits you", and im like "dope!"
umm when i asked my dad he was like "if you get one your shaving it off" and my mom said "dont expect me to act like your perant" and well when i did my dad still hasnt seen it up and my mom has learned not to care.
other then for that haha thats all that happened


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