Mohawks Rock

It was my misfourtune today, to stumble upon "White Pride World Wide"'s profile. As you can guess by his name, and profle, he is a fucking cunt. I call upon everyone in this group (and I will soon post an anti-nazi disscussion) to FUCK THIS GUY UP! Also, realize that he has every right to be on this site, and it would be wrong to call for him to get kicked off. Unless, of course he violates the rules. With this in mind fill up his comments, but be sure not to make death, or any other kind, of threat that will get you banned from this site. You might be able to tell him what should happen to him, BUT DON'T PUSH IT. We wan't us to win not him. Now, GO FORTH AND FLAME THAT FUCKER!!!1

His profile URL:;

Views: 357

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that was brilliant.... you have successfully changed some of my views.
that was perhaps the biggest example of knuckle-dragging nonsense ever... while i must admit that sometimes violence is unavoidable and in times a necessity to promote change, this is not one of those times. The reich was defeated ages ago and is never coming back. What we encounter are a select group of people who hold onto racist ideologies and delusions of false superiority, these people are a minority i might add.

I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption that you, like me are an american. i find your ideal of forcing change upon others for the benefit of "YOUR OWN PERSONAL WORLD" to be selfish and misguided, in fact i would go so far as to claim it hypocritical because in reality that is what the Nazis are trying to do- create a personal dreamworld tailored to their distorted ideologies at the cost of diversity and possible human life and freedom.

I don't advocate the nazi ideology nor do i support racist violence of any sort. I don't believe in "white power" "black power" "yellow power" etc because those ideologies are exclusive rather than inclusive and do nothing to further humanity as a whole, they only benefit a select minority/majority at the expense of all others. What i do advocate are the rights of every human to believe whatever they wish no matter how fucked up it is, it is when they ACT upon those fucked up ideals and infringe upon the rights and well being of others is when something should be done.

If i saw a racist oppressing someone else i would do something about it, i wouldn't write a nasty letter telling a nazi how "upset" i am. No one here has identified himself as a pacifist, and certainly no one here has ever spoke of this "pen being mightier than the sword" bullshit you speak of, no one here would be so base as to stand by and let oppression happen without doing something.

Next of all, while, yes, pain can be quite the motivator it can also be used as a tool to keep others under the control of "the powerful" you speak of. You fail to recognize that while pain can also breed anger and violence, pain can also give birth to fear and sorrow. In short, by promoting change through violence, if even for a good cause, violates natural rights and may possibly do more harm than good. One must discern when it is appropriate to be diplomatic or to stand up and fight, and that takes human responsibility and a respect for the rights of others.

Are you going to hit someone just for wearing a swastika or giving a straight arm salute? are you going to give anyone who makes a racist remark or reads Mein Kampf a boot facial? to me that seems assenine.

Before you can change the world, you have to change your mind and figure out whats worth fighting for, and eNazis aren't worth the commotion. We have the power to ignore them and if things get really bad expel them, because on the internet it will never come to more than words, thus making 90% of your comment completely inapplicable.

P.S. to anyone that sent the Nazis hate comments and/or death threats and received racist rants in return, i don't feel sorry for you and your counterarguments hold no weight because you started it and they're enjoying every minute of your arrogance.
just speaking my mind lol i think this has all gone far enough... people are basing their beliefs off of a hyperbole of the punk rock agenda and i find it absurd.
christ that was long... so... if i read correctly i will sum it up and you tell me if i got it right?

People can believe whatever the fuck they want.
Yelling at people through the internets doesnt do shit.
Violence shouldn't be used to change people, but as self defense of a persons, or his/her rights.

Am I correct in your fine opinion?
thats about the gist of it. i'm all for personal freedoms. thank you for taking the time to read my post. i doubt the person i responded to will do the same
I totally agree. They should all have their fucking spleen ripped out and shoved down their goddamn throats. Theyre fucking ignorant heartless bastards and they deserve nothing more then all the fucking violence people who actually think can give them.

And also, my step dad is black and i've seen the shit he has had to go through for marrying a white woman and even just going to work hes had people call him a worthless nigger and refuse to buy anything because he was the only available checker and stuff.

It's morally, ethically, and completely wrong.
Actually, I did read it, I'm not that much of a pussy. However, I now respect you much more than from previous things you have said, and do agree with some of it. But, I will stick to my guns, as I know you will stick to yours, and will not fight you anymore on this subject. It has grown old fast, especially after that fucktard sega-dumbass or whatever the fuck his name is requested a "ban-hamer." I would actually look forward to having a debate with you in person, as I do see many holes in your logic and would like to clear up some of mine, but the computer is not the right place for it. I would just like to say, to quote a cliche, that I do not agree with you, but will fight for you're right to say it. But if you are allowed to say it, then we do not have common ground to stand on.

Note: I am an American by birth, not by heart or choice. And I'm not a stereo-typical punk and have had these beleifs since before i knew what punk was.
Then i can appreciate that... i too have had my fill of that moron. I didn't mean to make you into a stereotype but people here are very fake, it's like a competition to be the "most punk" and frankly i find it to be detrimental and sickening.

That cliche you spoke of was said of Voltaire the great French novelist and political satirist and thats pretty much how i feel and have derived my views from on this matter. You are right in stating that the internet is no good place to stage a logical discussion, however i have been suprised by some people's ability to handle it well on here. Its the select minority that aggrivate me. I would love to discuss this with you in person, if you're ever in oklahoma look me up!

If there were holes in my logic it was because i was flustered i must admit, i would much like to clear things up as well. I join you in your perceived distaste of our country (trust me i'm surrounded by rednecks) but i feel that it is the insecurity of the masses that make it so unbearable.

Until another day, peace and thanks for not being a self absorbed moron like a certain other person. I respectfully agree to disagree.
Sounds good to me :) Sorry its taken me so long to get back, and that this is gonna be short, but I've been a little low on time recently. Anyhow, feel free to aproach me about anything if you wana chat, and if I'm ever in Oklahoma I'll give you a shout!

Peace ;)
ok. but i don´t think he has the right to be on this site. nazis don´t have any rights in my opinion... even freedom of speech has it´s limits!
ok, i left a comment... hope he don´t delete it. this stupid moron.


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