Mohawks Rock

They're so expensive! Where i live they're like $80 to $120. Thats alot for a pair of boots. I got my boots from goodwill for 4 or 5 bucks and i've had them for 3 years. Do Docs stay together well, to me they look they'd fall apart like the sole would detach or something. I'd rather by a good pair of specialty work boots that are made to stay together.



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I got my docs in '96 or so. They used to come with a lifetime warranty. Mine have held up awesome. I used em for motorcycle boots and accidentally got them completely soaked like a dozen times. Idk maybe they started making them different. Never heard of Jax but I live in fucking nowhere Arkansas :P

Docs used to be hella cheap and were marketed to the working class back in the day. Being durable & cheap they became a must have for any blue collar worker. Therefore they were really popular amongst the punk and skinhead crowd. Times change but punk rock rarely does, this sort of thing just became apart of our look. 

Unfortunately now they're popular with everyone and became super god damn expensive. Look on ebay. 

Sadly, the prices were high by the eighties, although they now seem even more expensive - relatively to other boots.

For those of us who like Docs or want to share, know more or ask questions about them - here's the Mohawks Rock Doc Martens group to join.

Includes an interesting video showing the differences between the original and the regular modern ones.

Plus the ones still made in England with original materials are really expensive!  I would like to see more pictues/vids of the difference in them to the modern.  I have the originals from the 80s and they lasted fairly well - the tread is worn quite a bit but the boots are intact, stitching still held perfect, etc.

I've went off the regular style now to a large extent - they seem to have become more pointed at the toes in the last few years - from looking at sites selling some styles.  I think the steel-capped 1940 style ones are much better - still with the classic sole style and tough looking uppers.

I wish I had the docs that were made in England. They're sooo expensive though, I ended up getting the cheap ones off of ebay that were made in Thailand. :[

They still get a lot of folk who find those ones fine though.  And in fact, I've read that the ones made in England are much harder to break in 'cause the leather isn't as supple because they use a different leather process.

Though I agree, it'd be nice to be able to choose without the vast price difference.

Interesting link about the percentage made in England (2% - 70,000 pairs a year out of 3.8 million pairs worldwide):

I don't know how the new ones hold up but I'm 30 and still have the pair I got when I was 13. They have a lifetime warranty to re-sole them and lol they aren't "pretty" anymore but I like them looking all rugged as fuck :) put a shitload of miles on them, even fell in a creek with them, they were my motorcycle boots and everything else. I love em.


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