Mohawks Rock

You know what, I'm not perfect, but then I don't pretend to be. I didn't decide to co-sleep because it was "easier" or because I'm lazy. It was a choice based on what I felt to be best for our family. And seemingly it has been the best choice for our family, since my kids have turned out pretty well so far.
My kids might sleep in my bed, but they go to sleep with in 15 minutes of being there, and sleep the whole night! They have both slept through the whole night since they were 3-4 months old in fact.
MY children have never bit someone so hard they've bled, haven't bitten anyone at all for that matter.
My kids don't throw fits, are actually nice to other children, and have been perfectly capable of sharing even before they were two. I have even seen then smile and be happy more than some children I know...
I don't use the TV as a baby sitter, and I don't value my girl child more than my boy.
I may not have the same values as you, but at least I have the backbone to stand up for what I believe to be important whether that makes people dislike me or not.
Despite everything my husband and I have been through we still managed to get our own house, and not live off my parents...
I haven't undermined my husband, by nitpicking every and any interaction with my children to make him incapable and unwilling to BE a father. And I might have been pregnant when I got married, but you know what at least my parents were happy for me, liked my choice in a partner, and were AT my wedding.
I had never been away from my son more than a few hours and never overnight until his sister was born when he was 21 months. Since she was born I have never been away from her overnight either, and my son only recently started staying the night at his grandparents as their work schedule allows. When Jake was a baby I was not only taking care of my infant son, but also his father who was completely non-weight bearing for almost a year. And even though we lived with my parents they both worked full-time jobs, so it's not like they were in charge of my children. Despite all that, I've never pretended to be super mom, and I don't brag or even imply that I take care of my kids all by myself.
My 2 year old was completely potty trained in 3 days and stopped needing night diapers within the week. I can count on one hand the number of accidents he's had, and he has NEVER gotten up on a dining room chair to pee on my table.
My 3 year old knows all his basic shapes as well as the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. He can count and identify numbers 1-10 correctly. He knows his alphabet. All these things he knew before he was even 3 years old. Now he is in the beginning stages of learning how to read and identifying what words start with what letters based on sound. He's also learning French. My 20 month old is beginning to know her abc's as well.
Jake has always been nice to other kids especially his little sister; I've never had to worry about him hurting her.

Did I mention I've managed to do all this while freelancing from home?

Anything else you want to judge me on?

Views: 7

Comment by Nemean Lion on June 26, 2010 at 8:27pm
nuff said sister,,lol I feel sorry for whoever you just owned lol to hell with them I read something you said earlier about your son fav movie's and hell no that doesn't make you a bad mom,from what I see you take care of your kids very well. impressive actually.My two boys are 8 and 9 and my girl is 2 and people always getting on me because I let my boys play the most violent games imaginable,difference is im right there playing with them you can put a loaded gun in front of them and I guarantee they call the cops, and on top of that they both are honor roll students never getting into any trouble and they are selfless,I tell people to mind their own children and business a lot of the time its someone who isnt even a parent,so screw em
Comment by Jenni D. on June 26, 2010 at 8:51pm
thanks! the chick has made several snide comments about my parenting style. she's supposedly some big "christian" and her son is a whiney, hateful hellion. but of course somehow he's better than my kids because he's *always* slept in his own bed. I've never said anything about him being a turd even when he bit my son so hard he bled and had a bruise for a week, but if she wants a pissing contest over whose kids are "better" she's going down.

yeah i think people who blame movies or video games for their kids bad behavior are just uninvolved, lazy parents. i might let my son watch questionable movies, but I'm always right there with him to explain things and fast forward if necessary, haha. she will just sit her 3 yr old in his bedroom and let him watch disney channel for hours all by himself. to me that's way worse than let my kids watch a "bad" movie with me right there with him.

i don't think she's used to people standing up to her, but I know i'm a good mom, my kids are the proof. and she can kiss my ass. thanks again though.


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