Mohawks Rock

I get more and more shit for this. People think I'm the worst thing to ever walk the planet for being a rich punk. Yeah? SO WHAT? I come frome an upper middle class family. Growing up they gave me just about anything they could imagine I would like to have. My mother is a succesful lawyer. My father is a succesful social worker and co-owner of a company that helps abused children (this is ironic, but maybe I'll get into that another time). I'm ok with these things. Why should it be my parents and my up bringing that decides who I am? What really matters is what I believe in. I make the choice in my life. Out off all the things I have and share, this one is mine. MY life, My choice. I am not my mother and father. I am a punk.

Views: 171

Comment by Steve on September 1, 2011 at 11:37pm

Most punks are upper/middle class, but are in denial because they're afraid of what people will think of them.

If you don't think punks an image, it doesn't have to be poor.

Comment by Emily! on September 2, 2011 at 7:43pm
Hontestly, the amount of money your parents bring home has nothing to do with who you are. If people give you shit, then all they really care about is the cliche image and stereotype of what punk is, and not the true punk definition..which is whatever the fuck you want it to be. More power to ya for not giving two shits what people think.
Comment by Phado on September 8, 2011 at 8:58pm
so am I! High five!
Comment by Boogle on September 12, 2011 at 2:07am

psh, im also considered a "rich punk". 

people who give me shit about it can suck my giant non-existent penis. Atleast im not pretending to be something im not like most of the losers i know who pretend to be homeless (even though they live with their parents) and panhandle because they are too lazy to keep a job for more than a week. 

i remember one time i was walking into a show and there was a kid outside begging for a couple bucks because he cant afford a ticket. most people blew him off or only gave him a dollar, after giving him all the cash i had (5 bucks) i went inside and saw the others buying merch. Really now? i think getting a kid into a show is more important than buying a shirt or a CD, go shove your talk of unity up your ass. 

anywho sorry, bit of a rant there. All i can tell you is to just keep doing your thing. your real friends wont give a shit about your parents pay check as long as you're a cool person to hang with. 

Comment by Chasity'sCunt on September 12, 2011 at 7:42pm

If some one is more fortunate the more power to them. Also i hate when people ragg on others who want to better there education or get a job and go to school.What is wrong with wanting to better your self and not wanting to have to beg others and live in the streets for the rest of your life. Nothing. 

Comment by rigamortis cat on September 12, 2011 at 11:10pm
to be honest sometimes i wish i was rich punk im in a band and sometimes my shit breaks and my family is having hard times so it takes like forever to replace it haha fuck the people who deny you of what you are in my mind your more punk and also more money more concerts and more records haha


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