Mohawks Rock

On another blog a topic came up that I just had to give my opinion on: race! From that conversation spurred this little comment from me, which I am now saving here. I hope it gives a new perspective.

I think the people from the previous comments who talk about seeing beyond race and question why you [TBGiHM] are focusing on race don't appreciate the importance of this issue.

There was a poster that said, "we all breath the same air and bleed red so get with the times." And to me this is a prime example of such ignorance. This opinion is not with the times. It is a rose-colored tunnel vision of what a lot of people- black, white, yellow, etc.- would like to see. The actual times is a world where race is still a big deal. And in addition to that, denouncing someone's race (things like, "oh, I don't care that you are/ don't think of you as black/white/asian/insertethnicity.") can be just as insulting. Some people do want to be seen as black or Korean. They want this because they value their culture and heritage and want it recognized. It's a matter of, "Why yes I am a black woman and I do want you to think of me that way." People, it is not a matter of being color blind or saying that "we're all human," it is a matter of realizing our differences and accepting them as they are without discrimination. If we can just embrace that and acknowledge that we are different but still treat each other with respect, we'll be one step closer to that peace so many are looking for.

For the curious, the blog in question is called The Black Girl into Heavy Metal. While the author and I don't always see eye to eye and we are both relatively young, I do feel our messages are important and need to get out there in more forms. If you are curious about other perspectives from the minorities into alternative music, check out the Afropunk Movement and it's message board.

Views: 68

Comment by Nathan on March 22, 2010 at 3:43am
I don't think saying 'Oh don't care what colour skin you are' is ignorant. It is basically saying look, I know we have different skin tones but that doesn't matter to me, what matters is respect for the individual (which means respecting their heritage too.) Personally I don't care what colour your skin is, I see the difference, but I will respect you for who you are and even your heritage. Different skin colours do in fact share the same heritage, may be a minority but it happens.


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