Mohawks Rock

So I went to a party at my old house. Found out (for sure) that the girl I like doesn't like me back. I didn't find out on purpose though. I was dropping by her room to grab her for a bowl and I heard them from outside the door.

I couldn't knock.

Shortly after there were some ruffians in the back ally causing some trouble. One even punched out one of the house's windows. At this point I walked down the back stairs to meet with these gentlemen and ask them their reasoning... What I got was one of the three grabbing my mohawk and dragging me down the steps onto the ground. His friend punched me in the face a few times before he started kicking me in the head. With the fact that I hadn't done anything provoking, my old housemates called bnullshit and began brawling (one housemate being a judo instructor at KU: Chad).

I'm not as adept to throwing punches as I should be, but I can take hits like none other. even after being repeatedly kicked in the head I got up and jacked that mother fucker in the the nose a few times. My field jacket is now covered in that guy's blood and I just fucking washed it.

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