Mohawks Rock

MOHAWK MULLET-- Sexiest of all the Mohawks???


Sexiest of all the Mohawks???

For the truly daring!!!

And -- surprise!!! --it’s actually an authentic Indian haircut.


Do you have the balls to wear one?


Here’s a gallery of the best, most eye-catching Mohawk Mullets you’ve never seen.

Normally I’m not a fan of long hair on men.

But I make a big exception for the Mohawk Mullet . . . sometimes called the "Mull-Hawk."

There’s something incredibly sexy about a long, slender patch of loose hair dangling from the back end of a shaven scalp lock and tumbling down a guy’s back . . . just waiting for some girl to run her fingers through it.  

Easy there, girl -- control yourself!!!  It'll take 6 months to grow out, so you'll have plenty of time to run your fingers through it.


It’s just so damned daring!!!



Well -- as millions of visitors to the Las Vegas strip have discovered to their delight -- he turns out to be the "Biker Aerialist" Brandon Pereyda.

This muscled acrobat is from the super-athletic, spectacular Cirque du Soleil stage show in Las Vegas titled "Zumanity" . . . a daringly erotic, adults only exploration of human sexuality in all its delightful forms . . . described as "the other side of Cirque du Soleil. 


Man, that haircut of Brandon's is definitely a show-stopper!!!  A Mohawk Mullet for the ages!!!  Don't let that girl above get her hands on this one, or she'll kidnap this Mohawk to her boudoir.

This part of the super-erotic Las Vegas show is titled "Biker in Chains," and it spotlights Brandon's Mohawk mullet in all its luxuriant glory . . . advertising to millions of audience members from all over the U.S. that . . . yes indeed . . . Mohawks are, in fact, all about sex.  Hell Yes!!!  That's precisely why most of us love wearing our Mohawks in public.  

What makes a Mohawk -- especially a mullet-style Mohawk --  so powerfully sexy?  Probably because of the Mohawk's hyper-masculinity -- because of its  centuries-long association with Spartan warriors, Native American warriors, American combat paratroopers in the Second World War, tough football offensive linemen, biker dudes, MMA fighters, and more action heroes in movies and video games than you can count..

And because a guy needs real balls to wear one in public..

It's why almost every guy secretly wants to get Mohawked at least once before he dies.  

So no wonder Cirque du Soleil spotlight's Brandon's eye-popping Mohawk mullet in their ":adults only" sex show. 

A Mohawk Mullet is a way for a guy to wear at least a little bit of extra long hair – one slender strand -- and still look super-macho.  It’s almost as if some macho stud told his buddies, “I don’t care if you shave off most of my hair – but just leave me at least one narrow strand of it to dangle enticingly down my back for the girls to play with.”

The Los Angeles Times focused on biker Pereyda's mullet-style Mohawk as a major highlight of the show, when it wrote::  "'Zumanity' certainly is not for the faint of heart. The show explores sexuality in all its forms, and audience members must be 18 and older. . . . Brandon Pereyda, who sports a red Mohawk, is a favorite of women in the audience, Pereyda shows off his athleticism while strapped in chains above the stage."

Over the years, tens of thousands of American guys have left that "adults only" Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas and headed  home . . . secretly wishing they had enough guts to wear a macho Mohawk mullet just like Brandon's back in their own boring hometown.  

Well, if they finally muster up enough courage to submit to the clippers, they can assure people that the Mohawk Mullet isn’t just a phony affectation.  Actually the Mohawk Mullet -- as we will see below --  is hundreds, even thousands of years old and authentically early-American. 


Early-American as in . . . “native American warriors.”


Some (but certainly not all) Indian warriors 250 years ago actually wore a Mohawk Mullet like Brandon's into combat. 

It's the one long-hair haircut that looks fiercely masculine. 

Some of these photos show actor Wes Studi – a real, full-blooded Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma – wearing his authentic Mohawk Mullet in multiple movies. . . .

. . . Appearing in such movies as “The Last of the Mohicans,” “Dances With Wolves,” “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee,”  “Trail of Tears: Cherokee Legacy,” and “Geronimo:  An American Legend.” 

As a young child, Wes spoke only the native Cherokee language until he was five years old. 

Later he taught the Cherokee language, helped found a Cherokee language newspaper, and has been a fierce defender of Native American rights. 


And he just happens to have one of the sexiest – and most historically accurate -- Mohawk Mullets you’ve ever seen. 

No one has a more authentic right to wear one than this Native American hero, Wes Studi

But he'll probably be flattered if you want to copy his famous Indian haircut . . . if you wear it proudly like he does.


Wes must be really proud to see famous American athletes copying his Mohawk Mullet and wearing that shocking haircut into athletic stadiums all over the world.


So, kids . . . if your high school teacher has a problem with your Mohawk Mullet dangling down your back, just ask them if they’ve got a problem with genuine American history.  Are they unpatriotic or something? 

Meantime . . . on the other side of the pond, totally independent of the Mohawk Mullet worn by Native Americans, . . .  . . Spartan soldiers and Roman Centurions were likewise perfecting the exact same look that came to be known as the Mohawk Mullet . . . but on their helmets instead of their scalps..

In addition to the bristly tuft on top of the Roman helmet, the proud dangle of loose hair down the ancient Roman soldier's back was a key part of the fierce warrior look.

And the fact that warriors of both peoples thousands of years ago  and 4,000 miles apart, separated by a vast ocean, came up with the same "dangle," totally independent of each other . . . proves conclusively that there is just something intriguingly masculine about the daring Mohawk Mullet . . . the warrior image.

So, if you love regular Mohawks just for the sheer shock value – just for the in-your-face fun of getting stared at and watching people’s jaws drop . . . then you’ll love the Mohawk Mullet twice as much . . . . because people will notice it twice as often . . . and be twice as jealous of you for having the balls to flaunt it in public.  Get ready for lots of admirers asking if they can get their picture taken beside you.


Just when the Mohawk itself is starting to be a little bit more ordinary, because it’s now a bit more acceptable on the job and in polite society . . . along comes the even more shocking Mohawk Mullet to make you stand out even more glaringly in public.  Enjoy the hell out of it!!!  You only live once, right?


It’s now beginning to show up more and more on football, rugby, and soccer teams – and in team initiations.


What makes a Mohawk Mullet so sexy?  Well, art is all about contrast, right?.  And I guess maybe it’s the stark, jaw-dropping contrast between the pale,totally shaven scalp and the long, loose, extra-slender lock of hair cascading down over that shaven skull and dangling enticingly partway down his back – not in a ponytail but rather in a cascade of loose, fluffy hair.   

By being attached to the bottom of the regular Mohawk scalp lock, the dangling mullet draws even more attention to the shorter scalp lock itself . . . kicks it up a couple of additional clicks and throws even more of a spotlight on the scalp lock atop your shaven scalp because of the contrasting lengths . . . short hair on top, longer hair dangling down the back.  Love it!!!


And . . . uh . . . well, let’s face it.  It gives the girls something sexy to run their fingers through.  (“Hey, Suzie – want to play with my . . . uh . . . dangling lock?”)


If you’re already wearing a regular Mohawk – like I am -- then you already know that girls are constantly asking you, “Can I feel your scalp lock?”  Sometimes several times a day – total strangers.  

For them, there’s something incredibly sexy about running their hand over that narrow, bristly tuft of hair, standing out against your shaven scalp – sort of like the tingly feeling of running your hand over the bristles of a shoe brush.

Very sensual.


Well, the girls tell me it’s even sexier to play with the fascinating, tactile contrast between the short bristles of your scalp lock and the extra-long, narrow lock spilling down your back.  Kind of the yin-and-yang of the Mohawk feel.  Twice the fun for the girls’ fingers!!!  What’s not to like?


In another blog on this Website, I discussed the fact that the regular Mohawk was originally an initiation haircut – at least for us non-Indians . . . . going all the way back to 1778 at the birth of our nation when the Shawnee Indians captured the most famous early-American explorer of therm all, Daniel Boone,

The Indians initiated Boone into their tribe by giving him a Mohawk . . . the painful way . . . by plucking out all his hair strand-by-strand, except for leaving a bristly tuft down the middle of his head . . . a long and painful initiation depicted in this early 1940s “Classic Comics” illustration for children. 


For the next 190 years, the Mohawk remained primarily an initiation haircut – as tens of thousands of college and high school freshmen and rookie football players went through essentially the same initiation ritual that Daniel Boone endured -- but much more humanely with hair clippers instead of hair-pulling . . .

. . . until these American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division adopted it as a combat haircut during the Normandy Invasion on D-Day in the Second World War . . . 

. . . cutting a combat Mohawk ("warhawk") the really hard way.

With a razor-sharp trench knife.

Well, at least it's one step better than plucking.

Punk rockers (after the war) -- having seen these famous newspaper photos of Mohawked paratroopers on D-day -- adopted the in-your-face haircut as a way of extending a middle finger to grown-ups.

If those paratroopers adopted the military-style Mohawk as a way to intimidate the Nazis (which they claimed was exactly why they did it) . . . 

. . . then teenagers figured that same shocking haircut would be an equally great way to intimidate their parents and intimidate polite society.

But how and why did Americans suddenly start growing long tails on the end of Mohawks that had heretofore been crewcut-short?

Well, you can probably blame it on a super-tough college football star with a love for bizarre haircuts.




As far as I can determine, the very first modern Mohawk Mullet -- perhaps the very first person to grow a long tail on the end of his Mohawk --seems to have been a flamboyant but incredibly gifted inside linebacker for the University of Oklahoma, Brian Bosworth, later drafted by the Seattle Seahawks.

Bosworth -- famous for his radical, eye-catching haircuts that he seems to have invented -- was known to millions of his fanatical fans as "The Boz."

More than 30 years ago, back around 1985, as a way to supposedly intimidate opposing linemen on the football field, "The Boz" brilliantly combined a sexy-looking, bleached blond Mohawk with a dangling lock in the back.   In those early days, nobody called it a Mohawk Mullet.  They just called it "The Boz Haircut."  High school and college football players all over the U.S. suddenly became Boz look-alikes.  And the girls went wild over the daring new look.

Thirty years later in 2014,another college linebacker from the University of Nevada by the name of Brock Hekking -- later drafted by the Los Angeles Chargers but now a free agent -- likewise became famous for the jaw-dropping blond Mohawk Mullet that he admits he copied from his hero, "The Boz." 

Sportswriters, calling it "The Macho Mane," hailed Hekking as having "the best hair in college football," and girls all over America were dying to run their fingers through the blond,locks dangling from the back of his sexy Mohawk. 

Hekking did more for the Mohawk Mullet than Campbell did for soup.

Like his hero of 30 years earlier -- The Boz -- Hekking says he did it to intimidate opposing football teams.  (Same reason those World War Two paratroopers did it.)

His fellow football players told Hekking that -- with that spectacular Mohawk Mullet of his -- once his football career is  over, he could have a great future in professional wrestling . . . .

. . . where Mohawk Mullets are wildly popular with fans. 

Notice any resemblance between this professional wrestler and footballer Hekking?  I think we're definitely onto something here.  Brock, I think if I were you, I'd be picking out a good pair of wrestling trunks.

One of Hekking's line coaches said, "Can't you just see him jumping off the top rope" and smashing some poor wrestling jobber?  Yes, I think I can.

(Notice that this wrestler's partner is also wearing a Mohawk Mullet.)

Hekking admits that wrestling is "Plan B" when football has run its course.  

As one sportswriter put it, "Mohawk Mullets in wrestling are like fir trees in Oregon -- fairly abundant."  So, if he's smart, Hekking will hang onto that spectacular haircut.  It's money in the bank.  Not just professional wrestling -- but. hey,  can Hollywood be far behind with that blond "macho mane?"  

This artist's sketch of the stunning Mohawk mullet worn by the character Daken in Marvel Comics' "Iceman" series is one of the hottest Mohawk Mullets I've ever seen.


The mullet-style Mohawk looks especially eye-catching when the tail is grown long and loose and hanging halfway down the back like this one so that no one can possibly miss it.

And here's that same iconic Mohawk Mullet worn by actor / martial arts fighter Scott Adkin while playing the movie version of Daken.  

Wrestlers -- always looking for radical, eye-catching haircuts to attract the fans -- have probably done as much to popularize the Mohawk Mullet as "The Boz" and Hekking' did.

This professional wrestler -- Enzo Amore -- sports a stunning two-tone Mohawk mullet.


And here's pro wrestler Enzo Amore with a fascinating variation on his truly creative Mohawk mullet.

I love the way his tail spouts abruptly from the very bottom of his Mohawk instead of higher up.  Much more eye-catching that way.  Looks like one of those great NFL initiation haircuts.

I think I would have preferred the tail just falling loosely down his back without the rubber band.

But . . . well . . . on second thought . . . Jeez, it's damned sexy.

These Mexican "Lucha Libre" wrestlers have trimmed their wrestling masks to fit neatly around their truly awesome Mohawk Mullets.

Love the long blond tail dangling down his back.



Here's the Mohawk Mulleted wrestler known as "Master Blaster."

"Animal" of the Road Warriors wrestling tag team had this great Mohawk Mullet.tumbling partway down his naked back.


As did wrestler Braun Strowman.

And this unfortunate wrestler -- who lost his match after betting his hair  -- is forced to kneel and submit to having his head forcibly shaved into a Mohawk Mullet right there in the ring in front of thousands of delighted wrestling fans, who are relishing every moment of his public humiliation. 


Once professional wrestling adopted the eye-catching Mohawk Mullet, it was probably inevitable that the shocking haircut would spread to wrestling's distant cousin MMA and wire cage matches-- which combine wrestling,  boxing and other combat skills . . . . 


. . . thus further cementing the daring Mohawk Mullet as a super-macho warrior haircut.

Below are a couple of additional MMA fighters with Mohawk Mullets.



Meantime . . . sometime around 2014, at roughly the same time that Hekking was becoming famous for his stunning, blond "macho mane," . . .  a widely known World Series pitcher named Brian Wilson debuted his own eye-catching black-colored Mohawk Mullet.  

Earlier, back in 2010 when he helped the San Francisco Giants win the World Series, Wilson had been famous for his plain old Mohawk (combined with his massive, even more famous pitch-black beard) . . . even showing up Mohawked on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno . . . pulling a black leather BDSM mask out of his pocket and showing it to Jay . . . making him even more daring and intriguing.

But sometime around 2013 when he moved to the Los Angeles Dodgers, Wilson grew a spectacular tail on his Mohawk . . . turning it into a full-blown, unabashed Mohawk Mullet . . . and helping to further popularize the Mohawk Mullet when his own version of the "macho mane" began appearing in newspapers and on TV.  

. . . producing one of the gutsiest, most memorable Mohawk Mullets we've ever seen

Way to go, Brian!!!  Lookin' great!!!

And here's yet another major league baseball player sporting a truly memorable Mohawk Mullet.

He's Josh Donaldson, third baseman for the Toronto Blue Jays.

And if his Mohawk Mullet looks a little bit like a Viking warrior . . . well, he is indeed a huge fan of the History Channel's series called "Vikings."

Such a big fan that when the producers saw his great Mohawk Mullet, they quickly drafted him for a cameo role in the blockbuster TV series.

Here's a shot of Josh in the movie studio's barber chair, letting them shave  the sides of his Mohawk Mullet even balder to turn him into a Viking.

And here's how Josh looked in the actual film with his Viking-style Mohawk Mullet.  Wow!!!  After seeing him on "Vikings," thousands of American men rushed out to get a haircut just like his.

Now if we can just get him and Brian Wilson on the same baseball team . . . 

. . . or get Brian a role in the Viking series . . . 

. . . we can have a whole major league team of Mohawk Mullets.


. . . thus inspiring thousands of his young soccer fans to rush to their own barbershops to copy the iconic Neymar Mull-hawk.  .

Could have been just a skosh longer on the dangle, since it's the dangle that makes a Mohawk Mullet so sexy.

But, hey, on a scale of one to ten, Neymar's  still scores a hefty eight.


Sometime after 2011, yet another part-Cherokee Indian -- rap star Yelawolf -- adopted the Mohawk Mullet as his professional look  . . . a haircut that his Native American ancestors actually invented . . .  

Thus adding to the haircut's popularity, as some young Americans loved the look and began copying the "Yelawolf haircut."

His mother was a Cherokee Indian.  He said in the Cherokee language, Yela represents light, the sun, power, fire, hunger and Wolf represents my ability to survive… my fierceness."  And the haircut didn't exactly hurt.


Vocalist Maynard James Keenan with the rock band Tool rocked a really great Mohawk Mullet.

Now THAT'S the way to do a real Mohawk Mullet!!!

Nice 'do!!!

This one is a little too tall for my personal taste.  

In my opinion the extra height draws too much attention away from the really great Mullet portion..

Cutting the height by half I think would improve it.

But, hey . . . he's got a really sexy "dangle" down his back!!!

He sure got that part right.

Here, on the left is a really, really long variation from the cast of "Vikings."

Yes, the one on the right is a totally different type of Mohawk Mullet.  

I shouldn't like it . . . but dammit, I do!!!

I really admire this guy for having the guts to wear it.  Amazing creativity with the clippers!!!

Technically I guess you could call it a flattop mullet with a fascinating "landing strip" on top shaved totally bald.. It's almost a "reverse Mohawk," but with a delightfully long, fluffy  mullet attached to the back..  But I suppose the shaved sides qualify it as a Mohawk Mullet. 

When he posted this photo online, one female fan posted an online response saying:  "I'd love to run my fingers through this guy's sexy haircut.  I'd just love to feel all the different textures in it with my fingers . . . the bristly tuft  . . . the top shaved bald . . .. and best of all, I'd like to play with that fluffy tail hanging down his back!!!"  Her online comment just proves again that THE MOST FUN THING ABOUT WEARING A MOHAWK IS SO MANY  PEOPLE JUST DYING TO FEEL IT.  

Yes, I know some guys hate having people touch their Mohawk for fear they'll mess it up.  But, for me, I love it when people ask if they can feel my Mohawk.  It's the nicest compliment of all.  I lower my head and say, "Sure, go ahead and feel it to your heart's content."  It's one of life's most sensual experiences.

One of the sexiest experiences I ever had was many years ago when I finally got up enough courage to wear my freshly shaved Mohawk to the standing-room-only crowd in the back of a closely packed, darkened theater.  A woman I had never met suddenly pressed herself up against my back and silently began playing with my scalp lock, running her fingers back and forth endlessly along my bristly tuft . . . never introducing herself . . . never asking permission.  I never saw her face.

She played with it all through the last act of the play.  I could hear her rapid breathing behind me, and I could feel her warm breath on the back of my freshly shaven scalp.  She whispered softly in my ear from behind, "I just love the feel of your Mohawk."  Those were the only words she spoke.  I wish my military style Mohawk at the time had had a nice long mullet hanging partway down my back for her to play with.. 

And then, just before the house lights came up, she quietly slipped away into the darkened theater, and I never saw her. Never spoke with her.  I popped a stiffy, which made it embarrassing walking out of the theater all tented up.  But I loved every minute of it!!!  Decades later, I remember her with pleasure every time I trim my scalp lock.  Dear lady of my dreams.  Please come back someday and play with my Mohawk again.

I might even grow a mullet tail on it for you to play with.  That makes a Mohawk twice as much fun to touch.  ..


Those tough races where average civilians get to play at being weekend warriors to raise money for charity -- wallowing in mud, over obstacles and under barbed wire in a rough approximation of the Army's Ranger course while wearing tough-looking Mohawk haircuts -- further popularized Mohawk Mullets.

"Tough Mudder" obstacle courses all over the U.S. make a huge point of erecting barbershop tents with signs offering free Mohawks and Mullets to all the contestants -- or a combination Mohawk-Mullet.

By the time the endurance race is over, there's a huge pile of hair in the barber tent, as guys actually line up to submit to the clippers . . . turning a voluntary haircut initiation into a really fun, eagerly anticipated event -- especially the haircut.  What a perfect excuse to get that macho Mohawk every guy always wanted to wear at least once in his lifetime. 

What a great sight!!! . . . sometimes hundreds of Mohawked athletes crawling through the mud and climbing over walls..

When the Tough Mudder contestants show up at work Monday morning, proudly sporting their Mohawk or Mohawk Mullet, it's proof to all their buddies that they had balls enough to endure the Tough Mudder initiation and become weekend warriors.

This Tough Mudder participant says originally he had planned to shave off his scalp lock the day after the obstacle race before he went back to work.  But he ended up loving his Mohawk Mullet initiation haircut so much, he just couldn't bring himself to part with it.  

He kept it for days or weeks. Right on, Dude!!! 


And the businessman in this photo likewise found it difficult to part with his Tough Mudder Mohawk when Monday morning came -- so he too proudly wore it to work, ignoring all the stares.   He explains better than anyone else ever has, why Mohawks (and Mohawk Mullets) are such a powerful, visible symbol of commitment to a team. 

"As I walked into the office on Monday morning, I caught a glance of myself in the reflection of our front door and smiled. I was still sporting my bristly Mohawk from this past weekend. Probably not the most professional fashion statement to make, but one I was quite proud of. Yes, proud – not because I’ve always secretly wanted to ‘rock a hawk’ since I saw Mr. T in the 80′s, but because I'm proud of what it symbolizes."

Right on, dude!!!  He probably came closer to explaining the incredibly powerful attraction to Mohawks that only those of us who love them can ever hope to explain.


Wow, nice mullet, dude!!!

As long as the collar and leash don't come with the haircut.


Meantime, sports heroes, professional wrestlers, movie stars,and Tough Mudder endurance contestants weren't the only ones having their hair shaved into jaw-dropping Mohawk Mullets.and getting stared at.

The popular fad quickly spread to the general population.

These guys cut it perfectly!!!  Great Job!!!  .  .

Ordinary guys like you and me began handing the clippers to their buddies and asking them to carve them a Mohawk Mullet . . . so they could scare the bejabbers out of Mom. 

And what's more fun than that?

This guy, asked why he had his friends shave his hair into this beautiful haircut -- truly one of the all-time greatest Mohawk Mullets -- he said he did it while he was still a college student . . . 

. . . because he realized it might be his last chance to shock people with such an eye-popping haircut before he had to settle down into a boring 9-to-5 job.

Uh . . . well . . . maybe not . . . if this great haircut keeps on gaining in popularity.

After all . . . remember when the flat-top was considered too radical for businessmen?  

Now the once-radical flattop has been taken over by conservative businessmen.

So 30 years from now, will this really great haircut be showing up in corporate board rooms?  Don't laugh.   It could happen.

                    Or this sexy haircut?

                    Notice how far down his back it tumbles.

                    Love it!!! 


I'm not really a big fan of scalp tattoos . . . and I'd like to see this guy straighten the scalp lock on top into a perfectly straight, consistent width, especially in front..

But otherwise this is one of the best darn Mohawk Mullets I've seen.

I especially like the extra-long dangle partway down his back.

Wow!!!  Truly daring!!!. . . Nice 'do.

Even young boys have got the hang of pulling off the perfect, loose  dangle partway down his back.  Nice job, kid!!!  Beautifully cut!!!  Perfect length on top, and perfect length to the dangle.  Your Mohawked Dad would be proud of you!!!


So maybe in another decade, having your kid come home from high school with a delightful splash of hair cascading down over his backpack from the end of his Mohawk . . .

. . . will be no more unusual than having him come home with a flattop.

Meantime, hang in there, kids.

Mom will get used to it sooner than you think.  

Hey, nice look, kid.

Of course, some Mohawk Mullets may take a little bit longer for Mom to get used to.  .

But, hey, it's still sexy as hell!!!

He's having fun . . . and that's what counts, right?

BUT WHY THE THREE DECADE GAP between the very first Mohawk Mullet in the sporting world -- shaved into the head of "The Boz" -- and that great "macho mane" that suddenly showed up on linebacker Hekking's head more than 30 years later?

Your guess is as good as mine. 

But I have a theory.

Read on.


I suspect the modern return of the  Mohawk Mullet  -- once worn 250 years ago only by Native American warriors -- may possibly have been inspired by the annual NFL haircut initiation rituals.

Notice a resemblance between a Mohawk Mullet and this initiation haircut inflicted on a rookie by the Denver Broncos -- who have perfected haircut hazing into a fun-filled, eagerly anticipated fine art?  

This rookie's mutilated haircut derives its shock effect from precisely the same startling contrast seen on Mohawk Mullets -- the shocking contrast between pale scalps shaven egg bald and the long strands of hair left on the back of the bald heads to dangle down the player's back.  This rookie's initiation haircut looks sort of like a Mohawk Mullet with the top part shaved off -- right?  I think the team veterans wielding these clippers were definitely onto something big  They were on the verge of re-inventing the Mull-Hawk..

The fact that this bizarre initiation look was quickly copied by veterans on other NFL teams -- and by high school and college initiation rituals all over the U.S. -- suggests that many people actually thought the sight of long strands of hair dangling down the back of a shaven head actually looked . . . uh . . . well . . .  kind of cool . . .

. . . especially for those of us who actually enjoy being stared at . . . as (let's be totally honest) ALL wearers of Mohawks do . . . or else they wouldn't be shaving their heads into Mohawks.  Right?.

So . . . just take that long strand of hair dangling down the back of a shaven initiate . . . and connect it up to a bristly strip of short hair on top, and  . . . BINGO!!!   Behold the Mohawk Mullet.

Just as closely-shaven crewcuts forcibly inflicted on millions of American soldiers and Marines during the Second World War (as an initiation into military service) led to a whole generation of postwar teenagers enthusiastically paying barbers to shave off their hair . . . and just as initiation Mohawks (beginning with Daniel Boone 240 years ago) led to tens of thousands of teenagers eagerly volunteering to have their heads shaved into Mohawks . . . it's my suspicion that those "really cool" NFL haircut initiations, with the long, dangling locks atop shaven heads, very likely led to large numbers of American athletes and non-athletes lining up voluntarily for Mohawk Mullets. 


I can't prove it. 

But I suppose it's as good an explanation for the invention of the Mohawk Mullet as any other, right?

Upper-classmen carving up the hair of hapless freshmen with hair clippers were inadvertently developing a whole new art form.  And freshmen who voluntarily submitted to the clippers, often emerged with strange new haircuts that seemed to come awfully close to what finally emerged as the full-blown Mohawk Mullet. 

Nobody else has ever remarked on it . . . but it's downright amazing how many basic -- and highly popular -- American hairstyles actually originated as forcible initiation haircuts . . . until guys finally decided that . . . uh . . . the haircut hazing actually looked pretty cool.

Did the upperclassmen who carved up this high school freshman's hair have at least the bare beginnings of a Mohawk Mullet with that cute little patch on the back of his shaved head?

Is this the beginning of a great idea???.

This initiation haircut was getting a bit closer to inventing the Mull-hawk.  

Almost there . . . but not quite.

The Denver Broncos were getting the closest yet to the invention of the Mull-hawk with this haircut ritual for an unfortunate rookie in the locker room.

Hey, guys -- just carve off a little more under the ears with those clippers, and I think we're there!!!

So if you're an upper-classman or a veteran team member taking a pair of clippers to the hair of that freshman or rookie . . .

. . . be aware . . . you may be inadvertently creating tomorrow's fashion trend. 

Who knew?.  

Hey, I like really this one.

I hope he enjoyed the initiation.

Here's just one of the surprising number of guys who see newspaper photos of initiation haircuts -- and actually like the totally radical, rebellious, in-your-face look enough to pay their regular barbers to recreate some of the hazing voluntarily . . . and then enjoy the hell out of getting stared at.  Great fun!!!  

I especially like the way he left a totally separate tuft of hair -- completely disconnected from the rest of his Mohawk -- tumbling down his back in a mullet..  

Wow!!!  Truly creative!!!. 

This guy has balls.


Uh . . . well . . yeah, probably.

Who else has enough guts to experiment with truly drastic new looks?

Wouldn't masculine hair fashions be kind of blah . . . without the occasional chance to have lots of fun shocking people?  

Go figure.

          #   #   #

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Profile IconGL!TCH, Ronald Morris, Blank Reg and 3 more joined Mohawks Rock
Toker replied to ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots's discussion 'Alright, fess up..... (shirts)' in the group FUCK hot topic
Jul 7, 2024
Toker left a comment for Somber
Jul 7, 2024
Navs shared a profile on Facebook
Jun 13, 2024
Toker left a comment for Arson Montoya
May 14, 2024
Toker left a comment for Arson Montoya
May 14, 2024
Toker left a comment for Giant Mohawk Man
May 4, 2024
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Giant Mohawk Man


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