Mohawks Rock

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At 9:09pm on November 15, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Yea I was. N, B, / ? (space) , didn't work. suck. OR the arrows.
Sure I know crust. They call it that cause of the matted clothing and hair from sweat and grease. Mmmm crusty *matt*ing.
THe best thing happend. I was talking to the homey on the phone- when I seen a w33d leaf! Then four more, and two more. A fucking plant. Not just any mystery plant, this one alfrickin ready has buds and hairs. Long mature hairs and stems.
All the bud I can get has absolutely no seeds. Where? THe fUck? A miracle.
At 4:19pm on November 13, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
You cant u[load songs anymore. Ning was gonna start charging gmm for all new uploads.
my keyboard no work, i'll type more bad,youre really cool
At 4:08am on November 13, 2010, Scalehex said…
lol nice. yah im sooo stoked for it
purple for me has always just sucked (could be why never really did it) but its been a while since ive done spring green but from what i can remember its similar to apple green.
At 4:47pm on November 10, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
super tiny. : )
Dang that dude has a tight ass shirt whoever he is. I can't explain my mood right now. I got out of TOTAL fucking lockdown last night. I been in there a week shackeled to fools with face tats and double life-sentences. They finally cut me loose cause I was innocent. I never been to a jail like that in my life. A total fucking circus. 30 guys watching you shit.
oh well I'm trying not to talk about it...

Do you like MDC? Pretty much all their songs are badass. And its one of those bands that's really saying stuff not just words. Rare.

The only fuckin real solace I find nowadays is in Punk Rock. Watch, I'm tellin you ALL I can even get is the killer bud. I gotta run all over town and have like two other people to help me get the boo boo. Like if I need seeds or something its impossible.
At 12:00am on November 10, 2010, Scalehex said…
yah thats one thing i hate about purple, but after my jar of purple im going with spring green (hopefully in time for the new harry potter movie XP (cuz im awesome like that lol)) in the back. i think my mother has come to terms with my hair dying...although im going to be taking a year off from dying my hair lol
At 2:36pm on November 9, 2010, James said…
yeah i dont think many bands sound as agonizing if ya know what i mean. its cool someone else likes them
At 4:05pm on November 6, 2010, James said…
yup. and a great band they were
At 11:49pm on November 5, 2010, Scalehex said…
yah i dad didn't really care if i dyed my hair lol
i love flamingo pink (or i could just like the contrace pink hair has with my clothes). I've currently given up on dyeing my hair colours, its now black but since im not fully ready for "normal" coloured hair ive kept the back purple. lol
At 10:04pm on November 4, 2010, nezz pank rock! said…
hahhaha i'll draw an elephant (: hahah and it's for you hahahaha
At 4:26pm on November 3, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Aww hell sounds good to me! Believe it or not, you can order some sickass, PERFECT leather biker jackets from WalMart. Or you can go thru all the frickin trouble trying to find one from some flea-bitten website, order it, and then when it comes - walmart tag on the sleeve. Thats what I did.
Or find an ok one on Ebay with 4 studs and a small painting on it and the mofo wants $700 bones for sentimental value.
Kudos on tha good grades. Stay in school and smoke a lot of weed. It keeps learning worthwile. ALL I fucking did in school was cause trouble and come in high and talk the hole time. Straight B+es all around!!
At 9:25pm on November 1, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Ah yeah. All sucko and no fun for me either. Yeah I get high and drunk to cope. Why do I gotta cope? That's what bugs me. And I cope.

I wanna do some DiY. Or tag shit. Eether one'll work. Doing anything cool?
At 1:51am on October 28, 2010, nezz pank rock! said…
im studying animation, so my homework are draws and draws and draws a lot of draws! hahaha help me xD
At 9:41pm on October 27, 2010, Scalehex said…
lol ive been dying my hair since i was like 8 so im pretty sure my rents have come to terms with it lol
but yah i do like the colours, lately ive been trying to finish off one colour completely before i move on to the next....and so far it has been working lol
At 8:24pm on October 27, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
religion religion religion. jk
hey Whats up with you?
At 6:51pm on October 25, 2010, Tara Trash said…
Wow its been ages AGAIN since ive been on here!! lol. dont even know what ive been doing! working mostly. a little drinking. cyber stalkin tommy lee. hahaha. he said like 2 weeks ago he was heading to australia, and not just that but my city!!! but thats all he said and ive been trying to dig up dirt ever since! finally found out yesterday hes going to sydney for a dj gig, then up here but the shit thing is the dj thing is this thursday..the same day i fly to melbourne... so even if he does come here ill miss him! noooooo! haha what torture!!!!
IUm hell lookin foward to melbourne tho gonna party and have fun and go to allll kindsa gigs! glam rock, punk gigs and big halloween horrorfest lined up so far! oh and ted poley from ny 80s glam band danger danger!!
aaaand its only 2 days away i cant wait!anyways... dont have much else constructive to say hahaha take it easy! =)xx
At 5:40pm on October 25, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
I useta just drink stolen booze. I'm not a junior alcoholic any more. Back a while ago I would get hammered every other day without fail. nOw its like every couple weeks I get wasted. Just high all the time. Lately there's been some bunkass weed going around from my friend for cheap, so things may change. And I voted YES on prop.19 LEGALIZING IT!!! So everything could change in a flash. Or a blaze.
Or just me crying cause white people outnumbered potheads at the polls.
At 8:16pm on October 23, 2010, Scalehex said…
well i use "punky colour" and it doesnt really stay to unbleached hair so lol yah
and i see...i should probably pick some up because what i have right now isnt working all that far ive just been mixing conditionner into my hair seems to not kill it as much.
my family is kind of use to me dying all my hair weird colours lol
At 2:55pm on October 23, 2010, nezz pank rock! said…
oooo, make a skype account, its very cool, just join to and download skype, that's all :D hahahah its like msn but its most cool hahahah ooo little girl, i have a lot of homework u.u help me! hahahah
At 4:02am on October 21, 2010, nezz pank rock! said…
O: oooo that's ok no problem, well do you have facebook or myspace? or skype or something more? hahahaha i love mohawksrock but its most easy for me check my other accounts :P hahah
At 9:14pm on October 19, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
I hardly ever spend money on anything but weed.

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