Mohawks Rock

Friday Savage's Comments

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At 7:30pm on January 20, 2009, Alexis said…
My day was alright. I got a little annoyed with people shouting "Obama! Obama!" down the halls all day, but it wasn't enough to put a damper on my day. =]

How about yours?
At 1:29am on January 19, 2009, Alexis said…
My favorite color changes as often as my underpants do.
I get a new on every day (mostly based on my mood) but I can't stand to have the same one everryyy day. It'd get so boring.

But my "stable" set are turquoise, purple, and grey. Grey is such and under appreciated color...
At 11:23pm on January 15, 2009, Alexis said…
Hmm I was leaning for red too.

Who knows though, by the time I get it done, I'll have changed my mind 8 times... and then prolly come back to red.

Purple and blue are my favorritee colors. =]
At 7:58pm on January 15, 2009, Alexis said…
I still have no idea what color I want it. =/

Any suggestions? I was thinking red, purple, or blue...
At 3:46pm on January 14, 2009, Alexis said…
This is true. Maybe I'll post some more when I dye it..
At 6:34pm on January 10, 2009, Alexis said…
Haha why?
At 12:01am on January 10, 2009, Alexis said…
Thank you!

Your is pretty rad too. I'm loving the bum flap and the picture of you poking out behind the building. =] I do silly stuff like that all the time.
At 6:08pm on January 9, 2009, Punk's Not Dead said…
awesome you should put some photos of them on your page
At 5:32pm on January 7, 2009, Punk's Not Dead said…
awesome..what are they of?
At 7:48pm on January 6, 2009, Punk's Not Dead said…
yeah okay
What bout you?
At 6:37pm on January 5, 2009, Punk's Not Dead said…
At 4:11pm on January 5, 2009, Gibby said…
well dude it was a freakin great time! i broke my collar bone tho! lol. fun stuff!
At 11:26am on January 1, 2009, Devotchka Krovvy said…
Awe I miss you, too, sweetheart. Happy new year.
At 6:02am on December 27, 2008, Gibby said…
heh. not a bad deal. it's fun cause i taught her how to surf this she gets to teach me. fair trade! =)
At 2:15am on December 24, 2008, Gibby said…
sweetness. my girl is a ski instructor and got me a job at the place so i get free lift passes for the two weeks i'll be there. good deal!
At 3:10am on December 23, 2008, Gibby said…
nice! where do you go?
At 2:14am on December 22, 2008, Gibby said…
nice, nice. i'm pumped for snow boardin after Christmas...never been before
At 7:09pm on December 19, 2008, Gibby said…
not much, enjoyin my Christmas break!
At 2:31am on December 19, 2008, Gibby said…
thanx mate! i'm diggin the caz jacket you got there! nice work wit da studs!
At 11:34am on December 15, 2008, Larzz Smith said…
wats it lk by u

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