Mohawks Rock

┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots's Comments

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At 10:39am on January 27, 2010, StompyBoots said…
Thanks : )
At 1:50am on January 27, 2010, Amanda Dupuis said…
At 10:58am on January 26, 2010, Toker said…
bbuy 1 take 2 an ffuck em
At 10:52am on January 26, 2010, Toker said…
At 10:32am on January 26, 2010, Toker said…
ggoal is tto be even mmore fucked uup next week bro FUUCK YEA
At 10:32am on January 26, 2010, Toker said…
dude im at a fuckn animal party man...then going to a wreckin party....currennly llike a fuckn animal...FTW....tottally wasted gonnna be bback by wednesday of next week///fuckn feb 3 but will be on an off the compputer although ffucked up llike a motther fucker....jjust wait till next week man. also will tell ya bout this animmal party an also once done at the wreckin party bro gonna be fuckn rad
At 9:40pm on January 25, 2010, Roofieo said…
what ya mean "ware ya been"??

ive been right here...stoned as allways XD
At 2:26pm on January 25, 2010, Dead End Demon said…
haha, well actually I think I am on youtube, but just doing some acting stuff, not drumming, at least not yet. I've actually been planning on doing drum covers and posting it on youtube for fun, I just don't have a good camera, lol. Send me the link though, maybe I have a twin out there somewhere...
At 2:08pm on January 25, 2010, bombshell from hell said…
damn that sucks bout your hair, they call me the mohawk queen in my salon... im doing good though, dying the hawk red with black lepoard spots tommorow, cant wait. niki
At 7:44am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Right on! Hey, take it easy. Don't go toooo crazy ;)
At 7:30am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Might be past the point of tired. WELCOME TO THE HYPER REALM.

Where everything is hilarious and it doesn't need a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 7:29am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Oi! I am gonna try to sleep. I am hard pressed to sleep right on my days off and if I don't sleep now, I'll be up when my sister goes to school! We can't have that! THAT MEANS THE SUN IS OUT!!! aaaaaaaaugrighiruiugggfiughkjg. //melts
Kidding. Kind of. If I wait too long, I'll sleep all day and maybe miss work, haha. If I sleep to early, I wake up around noon. Which isn't good if you don't normally make it home from work til noon the next day, when you go in at 10 pm. Especially for a week on end. Trust me. O.O I am the living dead.
At 7:26am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Haha yeah! It's weird, but you might get there one day haha.

I'm a space cadet and check things on the fly. So like I said earlier, it might take me a while to realize what I was actually reading, haha. Eventually though!
The site isn't too quiet though, thank goodness.
At 7:19am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
LOL it says you have 278 comments... =)
I won't get into it, but uhm, you have a lot of room to grow! You give out a lot! But the amount you get back in is smaller =(
At 7:14am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Oh never thought that. I have selective eyes though. I notice everything, but when it registers is another story. Have no worries!

It is a lot of discussions! I'm one of the higher ones up there. Or was.
Check out segadoway! he's a chatter box lol.
At 7:05am on January 25, 2010, Khaos said…
Right on. =) Thank you?
What brings that up, if you don't mind me asking?
At 6:48am on January 25, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
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━━━━┃  ┃    ┗━┳┳━ copea y pega esto
At 6:31am on January 25, 2010, SorkFeber said…
Haha, that´s good =)
I'm glad you liked it
At 6:19am on January 25, 2010, Sammy Orlando Jones said…
oh dang, that totally blows!
At 6:08am on January 25, 2010, Sammy Orlando Jones said…
Crap man! are you freaking Serious!

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