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At 2:14am on January 28, 2009, Segadoway said…
At 3:49pm on January 25, 2009, Alexis said…
Hhaha poor thing. That sounds like something I would do also, except I'd freak out and blame someone for putting me there haha.

Oh that would really suck. I know what you mean, I loovveee my laptop. Driving tractors? That sounds interesting. I'd die out in the sun all day haha. Or be applying sunblock every half hour. xD

Awh. That sounds kinda cute actually. I'd get my hair cut by her...well maybe if I didn't have my hairstylist. Shes even cuter than an 60year old Asian tranny lesbian porn star xD

Oooh me too. I'm suppperrr lazy, but I just feel like an idiot when I see a bunch of letters together that don't make a word I know xD

That's crazy. (I don't think Ive ever been in a basement either haha) Well good luck with that! I wish that I was really computer smart like that.

Well thank you! And I appreciate the honesty. =]
At 3:51pm on January 24, 2009, Baccy said…
haha musta been bad seeing how u were in the night O_o
At 12:24am on January 23, 2009, S. Letell said…
chillin and tryin 2 figure out wut im doin this weekend. might go to a party wit sum friends and play with this local band.
At 10:40pm on January 22, 2009, Alexis said…
Haha well that's understandable. Lots of people act like idiots when they're drunk. xD

Oh that really bites. At least you're happy with your hair. =D And of worst come to worst just get a wig hahaha. Rainbow sounds like a cute tranny name haha. Orrr a lesbian porn star.xDD

Oooh! Come back to FL, the weather is soooo niceeee it was 28 today! There was ice on peoples cars. O.O (HUGE sarcasm by the way, not about about coming back; but the weather part)

You can always find internet in malls, starbucks, panera breads, ect.. and it really depends on what kind of a sleeper you are. I could sleep through a tornado, lightning storms, hurricanes ect., but if someone were to open my bedroom door while I was sleeping I'd wake right up..and I have a hammer next to my bed. So I kinda doubt that anyone would mess with me while I was sleeping. Now awake on the other hand... who knows. C:

Yeah I'm hoping to be goonnee early too. I should (hopefully) be going to college over the summer. I think thats a pretty good start. Its a lot cheaper doing it while still in high school, and I get credited for both HS and college. Hopefully by then I'll have a car. =/ ...and a job.

Cute? Me? HAHA. Goooooood one.
I'm not really camera shy, I just don't have a whole bunch of pictures right now. My dad stole my camera(its really his, but Ive taken ownership of it haha)

And what does tbh mean? Sorry, I'm terrible with trying to figure out text talk. xD
At 1:01pm on January 22, 2009, S. Letell said…
hey wuts up?
At 7:26pm on January 20, 2009, Alexis said…
Retarded? Nah. Maybe if you crossed your eyes and walked around like a raptor...maybe. xD

Usually Florida is just hot and humid all the time, but we get a taste of the cold every now and then. Everyone complains about how cold it is but you still see girls in tank tops and flip flops. Go figure. I loooveee the cold weather. =D But then again I don't wear flip flops and tank tops..ever really. Too much of a tomboy.

I live on the bay. And I know what you mean about people being pretty chill here, but I get weird looks everywhere I suppose. Trying to find a job is still a challenge though. =/ I just wish that there were neat loacl places to work where people like us would be able to work-happily. Besides Hot Topic and Spencers. Ugg the people who work there are such dicks.

Video games? Haha. Only a teennyy tinnyyy bit. Mostly influenced by my friends. Ive played (and never finished any of these mind you) Halo 1, Burn out 3, Manhunt, Mario Kart (wii) and Guitar Hero (wii). I'm not much of a gamer, but its fun if I have someone to play with. What about you?
At 12:48am on January 20, 2009, the Undead said…
hey dude thanks for the add request
At 9:43pm on January 19, 2009, Alexis said…
Yes! All you do is dip hair dye in celery =D

That sucks, no one in FL really gets it either...well no one who wants to hire me haha.

Good for you, I love mine. I'd wear a wig before I'd get rid of mine.

Miss it here? Ugh its sooo hot and humid. I hear GA is pretty nice, but it can get kinda chilly. Ive only been a few times over the summer to GA.
At 9:30pm on January 19, 2009, Alexis said…
Thank you thank you. ^^

Ughh im actually trying to grow the sides out a litttlleee bit(so I can leopard print it), but I keep shaving it off haha.
At 9:28pm on January 19, 2009, Alexis said…
Spiffy mohawk. =]
At 8:25pm on January 19, 2009, James said…
thx ;) im trying to get this whole shabang set up, is there any way to remove that white box at the top?
At 5:51am on January 19, 2009, VixenVic said…
aaaay... nice hawk..
At 12:20am on January 19, 2009, Opel said…
Hey james. Nicew pic. What's up?
At 11:15pm on January 18, 2009, Giant Mohawk Man said…
Welcome to Mohawks Rock James. Great see more Georgians joining up in the last few days.

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