Mohawks Rock

Sarai Marie's Comments

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At 6:14pm on February 13, 2010, SAAYA said…
Yeah my hair Is always colored some funky color. Ooooh I'm really excited! I really hate it when the color fades :(
At 3:29pm on February 13, 2010, SAAYA said…
Yeah I think I can pull it off.. I'm really excited to get it. I'm dying the bangs pink :)
At 3:16pm on February 13, 2010, Electric-Snizel said…
Thats very cool =D
At 2:36pm on February 13, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
good idea'r. Yea just keep on keppin on ppl are strange and the world is not so loving always ganna find someone who dosnt like you or who wants to shit kick u,like when those hommie kids eye me up i give em the stink eye till they look down, sometime they dont and i gotta get all tuff and in there faces fer a minute but yea project confidence and never get riled up over some ass holes, cause in the long run there not worth it... Be an alfa dog... and thnx i totaly am better looking than Dr.Phil lol :P taker eazy, and have a good'n
At 10:06am on February 13, 2010, SAAYA said…
Yeah most people at my school know it's something I'd do. And I think they'd support me. No one really has any unique styles around here. Everyones so preppy. And I was gonna do it like 2 days ago but I'm REALLY sick. I think I might wait until the summer to do it, although I reeeally want it right now. And my hair is always funky colors and always changing so I think I'm ready :D
At 7:53am on February 13, 2010, Kyle said…
ooh illegal!XD So I might be getting a motorcycle within the next couple of months, assuming that I get a job at one of the places that I have applied to.
At 11:35am on February 12, 2010, Electric-Snizel said…
Aww, tnx sweety ^^

Awsome hair =D
At 9:16am on February 12, 2010, SAAYA said…
Aweeeee that sucks. My dads pretty punk. But he was totally against the Mohawk. Was your dad against it to?
At 11:09pm on February 11, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
start lifting weights and shave ur head lol no one will fuck with you then, but no one will fuck you either, so hmm tuff choice lol. i dunno just keep bein yourself and tell her if she dont like that she can sit on it and rotate 8===D lol haha
At 8:32pm on February 11, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
u better, if u get do the sk8 fairy will come and leave hardwear under your pillow. its pritty rad lol well hell whats up? hows shit goin.
At 8:06pm on February 11, 2010, SAAYA said…
THANKS :) yeah I'm getting a Chelsea hawk cuz that's the only type my dadll let me have. But I'm reeeeally excited :) how old were you when you first got your Mohawk?
At 3:49pm on February 11, 2010, The Haribo Ninja said…
At 11:42pm on February 10, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
hahah yea sure but i wont count on it lol im just going down there for some fun and some sk8n u'd need to be pritty quik on the sk8 to keep up lol :P well taker eazy
At 11:39pm on February 10, 2010, SAAYA said…
YES. by coming to this site, I've been inspired to get one. And I'm actually getting ot tomorrow :)
At 9:52pm on February 10, 2010, Alex Underwood said…
awwww i love you to baby
At 6:02pm on February 10, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
fuck yea, come down to van this summer and party hard and sk8 hard lol well shit im goin somewheres so taker eazy c ya l8r
At 2:29pm on February 10, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
kick ass, yugio all the way lol i just got my self a new sk8 the other day its fuckn rad. going down to vancover to shredd some sk8 parks, and parties. yea it helps when u got someone teach'n u shit but yea just start to flail on the sk8 u'll figure it out eventualy lol well shit taker eazy and get em when there eazy ha bye
At 7:49am on January 26, 2010, Kyle said…
Yeah I must be a huge rebel not having a cell phone or a car XD
At 12:43am on January 22, 2010, Alex Underwood said…
hehehe..hey babe, that pic of u where u wrote my name on ur hand, thats my phones background pic
At 6:57pm on January 21, 2010, Crazed Country Rebel said…
Yea do it, i'll check em out if u post em. So you Sk8, or play musi?. does red deer even have a sk8 park?

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