Mohawks Rock

Bedlam's Comments

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At 10:44am on March 15, 2009, Alec Shithawk said…

check 'er out!!
At 8:25am on March 15, 2009, Sharkfin said…
I am stressed, but hey, who isn't these days? But other than that, I am doing ok.
At 10:46pm on March 13, 2009, Alec Shithawk said…
hahah i got my first tattoo yesterday!
i'll post a picture soon!
At 9:08pm on March 10, 2009, Sharkfin said…
Hey, how are you?
At 6:37pm on March 9, 2009, Chuggin' Trioxin said…
haha thats funny.fuck yea id luv to see i luv chicks with mohawks its so damn hot mine aint got shit on urs yet its about 3 inches now but growing
At 5:41pm on March 9, 2009, XxXaNgRyBiTcHXxX said…
haha yeha for sure.... the groms and the trousers are pretty awesome
At 2:24pm on March 9, 2009, Chuggin' Trioxin said…
hahaha. i know what u mean.about how tall is it ?yea as soon as a camera does come round post a pic, i bet it will look fukin awesome
At 12:07pm on March 9, 2009, Izzy said…
Nope! I'm starting physio on Wednesday and I have an MRI scan on Saturday. Hopefully it'll all be fine and I'll only need physio!
At 11:31am on March 9, 2009, S. Letell said…
its ok. my computer likes to do the same to me every now and then. last time my computer fucked up it deleted my limewire and itunes
At 5:14pm on February 28, 2009, Alec Shithawk said…
sorry it takes me a year to reply :P
going cross canada, and hopefully making it to the east bay by the end of the summer/september
At 12:29pm on February 25, 2009, Izzy said…
That's what they're thinking of doing to mine!
After physio and scans and such.
At 11:00am on February 25, 2009, S. Letell said…
well i found a place to get my tattoo done and got it yesterday. only cost me 50 bucks. when i get sum time i'll upload a pic of it so u can check it out. atm i only have the outline but im gonna get it colored in.
At 4:06pm on February 24, 2009, XxXaNgRyBiTcHXxX said…
it was a local show
At 12:26pm on February 24, 2009, Dom said…
I had too much to drink and people impaled bits of orange peel on my liberty spikes, I didn't notice for about a day cause we were camping at a music festival and I didn't have a mirror or anything haha.
At 11:34am on February 24, 2009, Izzy said…
How big d'ya want yours?

Oh, it's always doing it.
But it got reeeally stuck this time, so it's crutches for me!
At 5:53pm on February 23, 2009, Izzy said…
Probably to about 00g.
But they'll probably get bigger.
Sorry for the lag, I've been in hospital.
Dislocated my fuckin' knee!
At 4:13pm on February 23, 2009, XxXaNgRyBiTcHXxX said…
show was definately worth it
At 10:12am on February 23, 2009, S. Letell said…
jus tryin to get over being sick and find a place to get my next tattoo done at.
At 3:59pm on February 20, 2009, XxXaNgRyBiTcHXxX said…
yeah lol... wait the show or the piercing?
At 10:24am on February 20, 2009, Alec Shithawk said…
men are the worst, haha
i always say i'll just be asexual, but i think that'd be pretty hard.
i'm in a long-distance relationship now and it's pretty draining.but when the summer comes we get to tour together and finally move back in!

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