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SyKe's Comments

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At 2:11am on September 23, 2009, Kyle said…
Damn 6 am, that is brutal. I usually wake up at about 9 or 10, but I get to bed pretty late, like 3 or 4 so my sleeping schedule is pretty fucked up. I get wednesdays AND thursday off :) My fridays always seem too short cause thats when I have my favorite class.
At 3:04am on September 18, 2009, Kyle said…
Glad you thought so ;)
yeah I think I have only seen live quails once or maybe twice in my life and they definitely weren't as close as these ones were. I still haven't gotten the video uploaded I am having some technical difficulties.
I will probably get used to it right at about break then i will into my old sleep habits then I will have to get used to school hours again then summer will come.
At 9:35pm on September 11, 2009, Kyle said…
Guess what! I saw FIVE bobwhite QUAILS today! They were just walking around in my yard and eating the bushes and stuff it was really cool. I live in town so it is pretty rare to see them. We have squirrels and rabbits in our yard usually but this is the first time quails have been in my yard.I was able to get within five feet of them. I will send you a video of them tomorrow if I get the video uploaded. Also there is your story you asked for hope is was a good one cause it was all true. Also wouldn't it be funny since you want a story if I just went on and on just so that you have a huge wall of text on your page. I think that would be hilarious but I am kinda tired from not getting enough sleep then having to drive to college and back and working out and stuff. Alright well I am bored now and i kind of want to go watch a movie so I will stop wasting your time and making you read this incredibly long and mostly pointless comment. Hope you had fun reading it :) Good night
At 6:23am on September 7, 2009, Kyle said…
I envy you ;)
At 5:50pm on September 5, 2009, Kyle said…
Yeah at least that is the only thing they know I do now. They would like make me move out if they knew I smoked green. Oh and they kinda know that I drink sometimes but I am 18 I should be able to drink whenever I want the U.S. is like the only damn country I can think of where the drinking age is above 18. I wish I lived somewhere else
At 2:28am on September 4, 2009, Kyle said…
Man this sucks I was just smoking outside and my mom snuck around the corner and I was just like awww shit. I think I actually said holy shit when I saw her. I can legally smoke but I didn't want her or my dad to know because they are kinda annoying about that stuff. Anyways she came around the corner and was like, "do you know how stupid you look right now. Why are you smoking" At least I was only smoking a cigaretteXD. goodnight
At 1:22am on September 1, 2009, Kyle said…
SyKe where are you? I am lonely. lol
At 12:54pm on August 25, 2009, Kyle said…
Orientation is that where you find out if you are straight or not. lol. Well hopefully your orientation goes good. I am leaving in a little bit to go to my second class and then I have another class later in the day.
At 6:41pm on August 24, 2009, Kyle said…
Really you could do that for me awesome! The people in my first class today were alright most of them looked like they were older people that were probably laid off in the past year. There was one cute girl that seemed cool that looked about my age though. She wants to own her own tattoo shop. Still not as cool as you though.
At 12:26pm on August 24, 2009, Kyle said…
Well lets hope they are at least half as cool as you are.
At 12:43am on August 24, 2009, Kyle said…
Hell yes they are. Well I start college tomorrow so hopefully I will meet more people to party with.
At 3:05pm on August 21, 2009, Kyle said…
Damn you got a studded belt for $2 that is insane. I had to shell out 19 bucks for mine. Might be partying tonight if my parents let me go out.
At 6:48pm on August 19, 2009, Kyle said…
Guess what, I got new shoes and a belt today. My old belt was in pretty bad condition, I had to glue it like 3 times and it looked pretty bad. I also needed new shoes pretty badly last time I had new shoes was like 5 years ago. I saw like 7 people I knew while I was shopping it was pretty cool. So what have you been up to lately?
At 12:57am on August 18, 2009, Kyle said…
oh thats too bad. well that makes me feel better but I still like the drums better. This reminds me of something my younger sister bought an acoustic guitar from a garage sale and I won a video on how to learn she won't watch the video and just sits there strummin the different chords it sounds so terrible. She has had it for like a year she won't look up guitar tabs for anything and it is just so annoying. Maybe I can learn the drums move to canada and be your drummer.luls. good night
At 12:10am on August 18, 2009, Kyle said…
Awesome name, have you played any gigs yet? Guitar is definitely the sexiest instrument. I always wanted to learn how to play the drums. Also my cousin tried to teach me how to play guitar and I just felt like a retard because I couldn't move my fingers properly. It was really embarassing.
At 6:35pm on August 17, 2009, Kyle said…
Fight club is a pretty good book and your other one sounds pretty interesting as well. Oooh cool a bandchick, whats the name of your band? Do you play an instrument as well or do you just write lyrics for the band?
At 4:30pm on August 15, 2009, Kyle said…
yeah I usually just go and rent books from the library if I want to read them, same with movies. It's better than netflix in addition to all the movies you want you can get books and it's free! What books did you get? I just finished reading the da vinci code book.You haven't read fight club yet? Your picture sounds really cool you should upload it onto your computer. Do you write lyrics for fun or are you in a band?
At 11:25pm on August 11, 2009, Kyle said…
right now not much is very good most of today and yesterday I have had a super terrible headache. tomorrow though I am going to go camping so I won't be on here for a couple of days. Also I have been reading more books than usual because I find it relaxes me and gets rid of my headaches and helps me sleep at night. So whats up with you, doing anything fun besides being you?
At 11:17pm on August 11, 2009, Kyle said…
oh no captain blackhawk is here! Everyone run for your lives!
At 12:01pm on August 11, 2009, Kyle said…
well that is good. Unfortunately though you can never be the feared black beard on your account of not being able to grow facial hair. Maybe you can be the feared captain black hawk actually that sounds even better.

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