Mohawks Rock

Black_widow_66's Comments

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At 6:21pm on February 10, 2010, Skinnoshpriciardeischis said…
wow...que bien..primera q encuentro q hable español aki! panama es igual tiene su parte verdad no hay muchos punks...panama es chico y pues en los ultimos años se han unido las masas hardcore,punk,metal y pues nsoe estamos mezclados....todos como amigos ....pero si hay punks ..solo q aki no siempre puedes estar con krestas o algo x el estilo si kieres tener un trabajo dignamente mediocre para un salario miserable. =) hahahha españa me gustaria ir algun dia x alla o inglaterra tambien...kizas pronto lo haga...
At 6:05pm on February 10, 2010, Skinnoshpriciardeischis said…
I am Panamanian .. why the question?
central ame. not south! =)
At 3:54pm on February 10, 2010, Electric-Snizel said…
No problem ^^


u`ve got nice hair to =D
I`m pretty good
and how are u?
At 6:54pm on February 9, 2010, Horny Heretic Romantic said…
decent i suppose, just got done makin a pre-valentines gift , its a heart shaped glass botle with a cork in it and filled it with all kinds of flowers and stuff and put a poem in it thats made to look all burnt and old like a msg in a bottle and gonna leave it on my firend v's doorstep
At 12:32pm on February 8, 2010, regina zombiekhov said…
well, i thought it would be more fun.. but at the end i just drank in home with a friend
i hope next weekend i do something better
At 10:50pm on February 7, 2010, regina zombiekhov said…
hey!! whats up
how was your saturday?
At 3:40pm on February 7, 2010, Peter Epperson said…
yeah haha lonestar beer fucking rules for puttin hair up me and my pal were moshing 1 time with our hair down and ppl were throwing beer in the pit (a complete waste!!!) and it was makin our hair stiffin up
At 2:30pm on February 6, 2010, Peter Epperson said…
totally failed i was teasin my hair pretty well but about halfway through i ran out of got2be so i was sittin there with half a teased hawk -.-
At 1:58pm on February 6, 2010, regina zombiekhov said…
yo creo que bebere con la banda
y soy de una ciudad llamada morelia,
en la parte centro-oeste del pais
At 1:45pm on February 6, 2010, regina zombiekhov said…
si, mexico
bastante bien en realidad,
aunque aun es sabado y puede ser mejor
y tu? que tal?
At 1:13pm on February 6, 2010, ava cadavara said…
life is gooood.
how about you,
where abouts are you from?

& if you gots facebook add me :)
im ava cadavara, - i talk more on there xx
At 11:30pm on February 5, 2010, Isaiah said…
Lol, I hate people for alot of reasons. I was jsut the leading scorer for my basketball game. suck a dick home town. (my town) they all hate me lol.
At 4:42pm on February 4, 2010, Peter Epperson said…
thanks very much =P when i get it goin well ill post pics lol xD
At 4:10pm on February 4, 2010, Peter Epperson said…
i hafta ask any tips on teasin your hair? im just lookin for somthin fun and new and kinda swinging towards teased instead of pulled
At 2:13pm on February 3, 2010, Kaast. said…
I was home at my boyfriend's from friday to sunday (he lives in a college-thing), where I made food for him, soup actually, because he was sick, and later friday night we got a visit from our friend Martin and his girlfriend where we watched movies all night.... and saturday I made pancakes :3
At 8:46pm on February 1, 2010, Isaiah said…
Thank you for the picture comment :). I think I suit a mohawk too. My hair is long enough for a mohawk now but it would be a wimpy hawk. Lion king was a favorite of mine too. My friend learned how to work a VCR because he watched that movie everyday..when he was 1 haha. So I reallly hate people right now. Ah, and i need to do a project...
At 10:50pm on January 31, 2010, Ryan O'Connor said…
At 2:22pm on January 31, 2010, Kaast. said…
Thank you, dear. I like your style too, you're beautiful :3
But life 's going well... I should just do my homework insted of being on the computer, but I don't want to. teehee.
What about you?
At 11:24pm on January 30, 2010, Wooohooohooo said…
As for me getting a hawk again, it’ll have to wait. Just feel the need to have a passion for it once again.
At 6:24pm on January 29, 2010, Isaiah said…
Ah I am so busy I hate it! Ah, well my hair isn't long enough for a decent mohawk yet. I can't believe I cut mine offf D:. My hair looks fuzzy like a baby bird haha. I have a basketball game tonight should be fun. I love disney movies. My favorite is alladin I think. I like ALOOOT of movies though.

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