Mohawks Rock

Hard rocker's Comments

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At 8:42pm on January 25, 2019, Scalped 442 said…

Congratulations to "Hard Rocker" for one of the sexiest Mohawks I've seen!!!

Wow!!!  That's a real classic!!!  I love the fullness and the thickness and the perfect height, which you have somehow managed to combine with a loose, fluffy, bedhead look.  Perfection!!!

And the bull ring in the nose goes beautifully with the Scalp lock.  Bull rings and Mohawks were made for each other.

At 7:32am on October 20, 2014, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day!

At 10:39am on December 14, 2013, DantheHawkMan said… Hawk is growing longer and I just love it. I am the only one within at least 100 miles with a Hawk so it would be nice if a few more people would let their desires free and get a Hawk too, but whatever, I like my Hawk and it's staying. I wish it would warm up here a bit.....we've had minus 25C for the last two weeks and I hate

At 10:48pm on November 18, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
lol that speach belongs in a greeting card. lol how much thought do you put into these comments? lol your making me look stupid! XD
sir, you have made your point. you win. lol i have nothing clever to say about drugs. they are bad and arent good for you, but i do them anyway, cuz it helps me with stress and shit, which is a horrible excuse, but i enjoy it. its fun and shit. dont get me wrong, i do have a lot of fun when im sober too though. lol
At 1:55pm on November 12, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
im all about drugs XD i think to truly live in the moment, (much like the movie yes man XD) you have to start saying yes to things and leave your comfort zone a bit, in order to take in all possibility and doing crazy things. thats how you stay young :)
At 12:10pm on November 11, 2010, Toker said…
dude pierced an inked punk here to man...FTW. dude we should talk bro...whats ya number man...maybe chug a few
At 2:38pm on November 7, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
i understand. yeah, drugs have fucked me over at times but its still fun so i dont really care lol. i live in the moment
At 12:36pm on November 2, 2010, vinceK666 said…
yeah the age-thing is complicated :S now everyone of our band (except the keyboard-player who´s seventeen) is eighteen, so throwing gigs in bars has been easier. I´ll inform you if me or anyone I know needs a website :) touring is so cool. but we have usually three or four days break, so it´s not so called "all-time tour", we´re going back to home between the gigs, but we had a lot of gigs this year. We had 28 gigs from May to September :D
At 12:32pm on November 2, 2010, DJ TRoLL said…
Sweet. Fangs for tha add!
At 4:49pm on November 1, 2010, vinceK666 said…
bars are usually the best places to throw gigs :D now we´re taking break from touring, I just finished recording drums on studio so now we´re just focusing on the coming album. Yeah I know, booking gigs is a complete nightmare, especially when there´s no one to do it :( if it depended on me, I´d always be on tour :D
At 9:54am on October 25, 2010, DJ TRoLL said…
I bet you listen to music by some of the people I've interviewed! I'm a rock journalist. Let's be friends!
At 3:18pm on October 22, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
how very true lol i've just been chillin out with people recently and being retardedly high a lot. lol its awesome XD
At 6:20am on October 22, 2010, danielle denning said…
yeah they get real expensive but its called soft star shoes not exactly my kinda shoe they are moccasins and boots and slippers. oh thats pretty cool, i suck with computers myself hah
At 12:53pm on October 21, 2010, vinceK666 said…
oh cool, you have a gig on december? :D is it a big place? though that never means anything, I mean smaller places might have better feeling ..
At 12:25am on October 21, 2010, danielle denning said…
yeah its fuckin crazy pretty cool though, the shoes are like all hand made so i have huge blisters all the time haha. how is your life goin'?
At 11:30pm on October 20, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
hahaha well thats good to hear. lol whats new with your life?
At 10:47pm on October 18, 2010, danielle denning said…
oh well it went pretty well i got a job making leather shoes with a ton of acid trippin' hippies ha. i work the night shift with a few and sometimes they have acid flash backs and freak the fuck out lol. im surprised you remembered that...
At 9:32am on October 17, 2010, vinceK666 said…
it was great :D I just came back from touring, we had five gigs in a week, and I´m so exhausted, but it was a lot of fun :))
At 8:07pm on October 15, 2010, danielle denning said…
pretty good, how are you?
At 6:26pm on October 15, 2010, Sarai Marie said…
no problem! lol and it goes fucking great! :D how about yourself, sir?? :D

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