Mohawks Rock

Nox kitten's Comments

Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 7:27am on November 4, 2014, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day!

At 6:54pm on April 30, 2013, Somber said…

At 8:02pm on August 31, 2012, Somber said…

yeah about 3 states worth of time. ts been fuckin long since we last talked. whats up?

At 6:12am on December 24, 2011, Dead End Demon said…

Hey there, thanks for the add :)

At 4:55pm on November 7, 2011, Somber said…
livin with cavemans second cousin and his asshole family in jacksonville
At 11:28am on October 13, 2011, jadetMartin said…
haha xD well I am just fine! just tired these days, forget to go to bed some times! and trying to solve a rubik's cube xp what about you?
At 6:25am on October 9, 2011, jadetMartin said…
gutentag means "Hello" xD
At 3:03pm on October 5, 2011, jadetMartin said…
At 8:24pm on September 9, 2011, Somber said…
Got kicked from the basement I was living in for certain activities that may or may not be legal, sucks cause it was a pretty sweet setup. Aw why do feel this way?
At 11:48pm on August 29, 2011, Somber said…
yo knox how goes it? i havent been on chay for a bit. being homeless and all.
At 1:43pm on August 8, 2011, Skinnoshpriciardeischis said…
tenkiuu for the add!! (=
At 3:04am on November 24, 2010, Dawn juice said…
the stop before fl is an hour away from me! im going to see them play for my bday stoked
At 6:44pm on May 10, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
how c*m you don't have any pictures??
At 10:54pm on April 20, 2010, nox kitten said…
lol yep dident mean to but these things happen ya know. nm draied of all emoshalel enrgy watien for a friend to get back on but dont think he is.
At 10:51pm on April 20, 2010, Mad Hatter said…
i see you too your own comment virginity :/....AWESOME!!! hey whats up?
At 10:46am on April 20, 2010, nox kitten said…
i resently dyed my howk blue i reely like,i used color jam beyond zone. its reely vibrent but ill keep a look out about how long it lasts.

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