Mohawks Rock

Dawn juice's Comments

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At 7:59pm on June 13, 2010, courtney said…
hey thanks for the add :) whats up?
At 5:34pm on June 13, 2010, Ox said…
don't really know dont tend to plan too far ahead lol, kinda just visiting mates all over the world, we might go west towards japan etc or back east towards norway, which ever way we feel basically :)
At 5:10pm on June 13, 2010, Ox said…
hey i was in same situation once, but you'll be surprised how friendly people are once you get on your way, i've got this whole next your of just travel about doing all sorts of things travelling all over the place, i'll be in america for a bit but if i swing round your way i'll make sure to give you a decent start on an adventure!
At 4:17pm on June 13, 2010, Ox said…
do it! theres always a fucking way, im packing up my bag as we speak to go experience something else, everything just gets so fucking stale around here.
At 3:58pm on June 13, 2010, Ox said…
hey, how are you? know how you feel about the stranded thing, shits fucked up some times why not break out? go for a wander and not stop, see if you come across better people on your way
At 11:22pm on June 8, 2010, Giant Mohawk Man said…
Welcome to Mohawks Rock Dawn.
At 1:08pm on June 8, 2010, Bergan McManus said…
Oi! Welcome to the site! I think you'll find many of like mind here.

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