Mohawks Rock

Punk's Not Dead's Comments

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At 12:06am on December 16, 2008, Colby said…
ive been to absolutely none it really fucking sucks
At 11:39pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
yeah not quite my paradise
At 11:31pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
well mines small redneck wouldnt have anywhere for a band to play closest thing we have to entertainment here is one stoplight oh and the people are all the same the rednecks try to be gangster and what the fuck ever else
At 11:07pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
whats it like?
At 11:00pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Lol same time, 5th grade. I was raise on classic rock, and one day buzzcocks came on the radio and I looked them up (god back when aol 5.0 was around lmao) an found out about punk. Agreed, i owe just about everything i am to punk now, woulnt trade my music away for the world xD So alot of punx where you live?
At 10:54pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
haha no problem, I speak the truth! How long you been listening to punk rock?
At 10:50pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
take it your not quite fond of where you live either?
At 10:33pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
shit me too
god damn i wanna leave this pissy redneck town
At 10:28pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
yeah nice taste in music man
ha so whats it like where you are?
At 10:25pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
haha yeah, though every band you just put up is on my ipod, misfits are also another HUGE influence on me, but seems like you have goo taste xD
At 10:24pm on December 15, 2008, Colby said…
thanks bro
i love every fuckin band you got on your lil page thing
rancid and lars and the bastards is what got me into punk so they will always be my favorite besides the fact they are fuckin great
At 10:05pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Im gonna guess rancid is yours as well xD
At 10:05pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Oh that is a toughie:/ Well Buzzcocks got me into the whole punk music, but I remember Rancid really being my pushoff point in 6th grade. My friend burned me a copy of And Out Come the Wolves and I was automatically a fan lol Rancid definitely influenced me the most, so ima have to go with them xD
At 9:37pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
haha many thank yous. I think it's still way too short though, an I need color, then I will be content xD
At 9:21pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
haha thanks, i always feel as if my fan sucks, but thats hella reassuring. You plan on getting some picks of your hawk up soon? Greens a wil color would be sick to see!
At 9:12pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Well I originally wanted to go orange, but my work sai it woul be against dresscode and they have to terminate me (If i didnt need money so badly, an it was easy to get a job round here, Idve quite) They said i can go red or green only cause of holidays which is bullshit. Also wanted leopar print on the sides, I think its pretty fuckin awesome :/
At 9:07pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Hell yeah good choice, your hair anyways! You got any color in it yet?
At 8:46pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Well my mom was really against me getting it, but she ened up liking it when I first got it (it was like 2-2.5 inches?) Now its a lil over four and shes tell me its getting long but I told her its staying at at LEAST 6 in when it gets there. My dad doesnt mind, hell my grandparents love it lol. And that sucks to hear, but hey at least you have it right? Did you have to sneak it? Or i they allow you to get a mohawk?
At 8:38pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
lol same, got it the week before halloween, and ont plan on getting ri of it lol. Sucks I never ha it earlier. parents can be stubborn. Would have been nice for the ranci concert I went to this sumer in Providence! Have you ever seen them live?
At 8:11pm on December 15, 2008, Scott said…
Yeah I hear you, nothing to do when its dark and its a school night :/ By the way thanks for the friend the way how long have you had your mohawk?

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