Mohawks Rock

Lucas's Comments

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At 8:25pm on March 31, 2009, Alexis said…
Uhhh YES! Its pretty awesome. It reminds me of a roller rink except with dancing and swing music. I love to cut the rug. Its right over by the Raymond James Stadium. If you're interested...

Eliott and I will prolly go sometime... spring break! =D

When is yours? We should hang out and have a parrrrr-tayy.

By yourself? That sounds depressing. D: What else do you do on the weekends? I mean you can't do that ALL the time... xD

It would be awesome if we lived closer! We'd be bff's. =O

Yeah, he's pretty much an asshole, but its not too bad. (most of the time)
At 8:35pm on March 30, 2009, Alexis said…
Oh that bites. Is it the parental unit? Mine tires to take mine away from me, but when he does he just gets pissed off that he can't contact me. So... either way I loose XD Nagging or lack of communication to the outside world. Sometimes I prefer no phone- I feel more fee.

What's the usual for you?

I don't really have a "usual" weekend. Every other one is spent at my mom's (that usually means stranded all weekend D:)
And when I'm at my dad's I pretty much do what ever I want as long as it doesn't interfere with my dad's party-ing. >.br /> Most of the time I just hang out with Eliott and have movie marathons( the majority of the time the movies aren't really watched, if you catch my drift. ;D) , go out and see movies, go swing dancing, bowling, paint-balling, concerts, hang out with his friends. Just anything we can get a ride to really... It varies alllllll the time.
At 4:23pm on March 23, 2009, Alexis said…
Oooooh. Wow, what a dick...

I'm sorry! My phone died while I was at my mom's this weekend. I'll give you a text today. =] Promise.
I just didn't want to text back when I got it because it was late. =/

Do you have any cool plans this week?
At 7:24pm on March 18, 2009, Alexis said…
You tried to take you to the shelter?
At 10:55pm on March 14, 2009, Alexis said…
At least I conjured the courage to text you. >.> That's not thaaattt creepy.

And if money and a ride is a problem sometimes you can always ask. Neither Eliott or I have cars/jobs yet, but we're getting good at persuading our parental units into doing stuff for us...
At 5:21pm on March 13, 2009, Venom said…
WHAT??? Dude! We gotta go sometime, its rad as FUCK! And BTW, theres a SHITLOAD of paintball places around here, you just have to be in the scene to know where they are ;)
At 10:43pm on March 11, 2009, Alexis said…
That bites. D:

You should totally come with us paint balling though. I bet that'd make you feel better. =D

Oh and I feel kinda bad for not calling you, but I also don't want to be a creeper >.>
At 6:26pm on March 11, 2009, Venom said…
Aww, that sucks dude. You've been before, right?
At 4:30pm on March 11, 2009, Venom said…
Me and some friends are going paintballing this weekend and you're welcome to come if you can get a ride down here. Comment me back for directions if you can, prices shouldn't be TO bad.
At 9:22pm on March 10, 2009, Venom said…
Not much, bro. Taking FCATs tues and wed. How bout u?
At 3:10pm on March 10, 2009, Chuggin' Trioxin said…
ay is muchies still there?
At 11:01am on March 10, 2009, kevin said…
hey how goes it
At 6:30pm on March 9, 2009, Alexis said…
Awh that sucks. What for?

Anything good going on?
At 5:22pm on March 9, 2009, Venom said…
Check this out.... You should join "asswell." XD
At 5:19pm on March 9, 2009, Venom said…
LUCAS!!!! Whats up motherfucker? Glad you found it :) While you're on here, join 305 Punks! (Go to the group's page and click the upper right corner button. I couldn't find it :P)
At 6:55pm on March 8, 2009, Alexis said…
"some friends from the flogging molly show told me"

Hey Lucas. How's it going? Glad you found it. =]
At 4:00pm on March 8, 2009, Chuggin' Trioxin said…
whats up guy i used to live i sarasota like 2-3 years ago. "retirement town". but it was pretty chilled. best thing about it was muchies cafe fuck yeah i still have a menu from there the ugliest but the most awesome sandwiches ever.

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