Mohawks Rock

Gigs McGee's Comments

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At 10:37am on May 29, 2012, Tara Trash said…

GIGIIIII do u even come on here any more? cos, i have news- IM COMING TO THE STATES NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!

At 9:42am on September 26, 2011, isaac curet alvarez said…
manni havent been on here in for everrrr, how ya been?
At 4:15pm on June 20, 2011, Steve said…
I finally got some of that "Punky Color" dye!
At 6:03pm on May 27, 2011, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…

Hawha no. I dont think ya'll happend to sea eachother..I really wish I had some drugs , weed isn't totally cutting it any more. Especially cause I can only afford a tiny little piece at one time.

I got lots of junk going on but I dont wanna bore you with like 209 paragraphs

At 9:34pm on May 25, 2011, Chasity'sCunt said…
Lol i dont do it that much but when i do drink .... I DRINK and when i do drugs i DO DRUGS haha yeah unless its just weed i smoke that whenever and i smoke cigs whenever also haha but thats cool how long is it ??? i love having a super tall hawk but i feel bad sometimes cause my boyfriends is like half the size haha i think he has hawk envy sometimes and yeah you would look good with spikes
At 9:33pm on May 25, 2011, Kiki Wanderer said…
Ahhh just gonna wear it down all the time then? ASL is American Sign Language. =)
At 4:42pm on May 23, 2011, bo osborne said…

nothing much, just trying to finish stupid school, you?


At 6:35pm on May 19, 2011, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
My sister is taking her little baby down to your neck of the woods for the weekend so I told her to say hi if she sees you. (she has no idea) but I said 'my little brown friend with a mohawk, you cant miss her".
At 11:33pm on May 17, 2011, Kiki Wanderer said…
XD I'm not that exciting. I write a lot and that's really the only exciting thing about me lol. I am an ASL interpreter for the hearing impaired by trade. I cut my mohawk in September, and am still fiddling around with it, but I've -mostly- got the fan down.
At 10:36pm on May 17, 2011, Chasity'sCunt said…
Yeah it does suck balls and i hope to party real fucking hard but hes kinda not into partying to much he thinks im going to be an alcoholic and a drugy. And i know what you mean but ive only had the hawk for like a year and i love this thing i think you should do what ever you feel best with ya know shave patches in your head just feel good with it lols XD and im going to use manic panic it may not work for others but it always works really well for me and my color always comes out good i really cant wait
At 5:29pm on May 15, 2011, bo osborne said…

hey! sry it took me so long to hit you back, ante had a computer'


At 10:29pm on May 13, 2011, Kiki Wanderer said…
Going alright, just getting things going here. =) Thought I"d drop by and say hello.
At 10:04pm on May 13, 2011, Chasity'sCunt said…
Nothing really i try to stay pretty tame cause my boyfriend doesnt like me partying with out him and hes like an hour away so it leaves me pretty much with nothing to do. yeah i had a friend at that show said it was a dick move or whatever. Made a new like vest though i dont like my square studs on it so i need to buy some cone studs... Im just itching for school to get out i want to dye my hair green already XD
At 7:22pm on May 12, 2011, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
HA yeah. My 'mom' has some boyfriend in Chula Vista (a suburb of San Diego) as I'm sure you probly know... And that bitch goes down there every weekend. I went to the zoo down there when I was like 8. My sister and brother in law are going down there with thier new little baby cause his sister is getting deployed to Tokyo or some shit.. How are ya?
At 10:13pm on May 11, 2011, Tara Trash said…
sure am! so turqoise may be a little bright haha, but yeah gotta get some colours back in soon, im sooo lazy!! yay for guitars ;-) i wanna probably play some sort of riot grrl punky grungey mess!! lol and damn wish i could sing/sbhout/screm hey thats the thing ive got to work on even more than playing guitar!! haha and oh my gaaaaawd! another super awesome festivel has been announced over here, some bands im flipping my shit over: HOLE (!!!!! =)) Van halen, Sisters of Mercy (!!), Danzig (!!) steel panther, black veil brides, ummmm pretty sure theres more awesomness but its hard to remember when all i can think about is seeing courtney! dream come true! if they do a side show i may just die from the excitement!! haha.  rockin youve been hitting up loads of gigs! ive been going out lots and putting in my usual trashy performance,too much booze and destruction but allll so fun!! =) ar anyways better do some work talk soon miss mcgee!! =D
At 7:28pm on May 11, 2011, Kiki Wanderer said…
Heyy, how's it going?
At 9:43pm on May 10, 2011, Chasity'sCunt said…
The one i saw las tweek was tons of local bands and shit was great and the screeching weasel one i was going to got canceled for obvious reasons and the krum bums and citizen fish is coming up also and that sucks about your relationship i hope things work out
At 6:38pm on May 9, 2011, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Huh, ya don't say. 420 I got so wasted on expired 32s! eew I ended up passed out in a Park with like a DAY till some festival... Almost spewed in my bud's car. I'm high right now CHEERS!!
At 11:28pm on May 7, 2011, Chasity'sCunt said…
That sucks balls man. Nothing really new really went to a good show like last week was free too. Been running into lots of people making new connects :). Oh and schools almost out so im happy to dye my hair green soon. Whats been up with you girlie ???
At 1:44am on May 5, 2011, Tara Trash said…
yay! well i never ended up moving to sydney, or melbourne, or bloody anywhere i wanted to go! fail! still here in the same town, cant decide where to go so havent gone bloody anywhere!haha. shits good other than that tho. i bought a shiny green electric guitar and practicing the hell out of some bar chords cos i wanna make a band sooo bad and sick of drums being a massive pain to take anywhere! my hawks been all boring colours for a while now, just black and been shaving it reeeeal short on the sides, i love it! and yay your hawks gettin bigger- sweeet! its lookin pretty cool in pics =) Anyways thats about all the news except going to 2 Frenzal Rhomb gigs this weekend! Sooooooooooo excited its gonna rock the fuck so hard! lol ^.^

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