Mohawks Rock

Gigs McGee's Comments

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At 8:08pm on September 12, 2010, Tara Trash said…
Lol Johnny rotten... Err i do see where ur coming from, but yeah, i dont dig...Now Joey Ramone, theres some hot talent hehe, maybe johnny beef is that hes still alive, think i like my crushes completely dead and unnatainable... well i do at the moment anyways feeling like a huge fuckin emo now ive been fancing the shit out of that guy at work for like 2 weeks now when he finally tells me he has a gf! we i prctially had to ask.. so lost a little more faith in there actually being perfect single guys out there... so just gonna keep crushing on the perfect dead guys instead hahah peter steele, jim morrison, joey, love love lol
anyways yeahh the glam rock/sleaze and hair metal is going strong! its actually in a mass revival at the moment, the fashion is/or atl;east was(fashion moves way 2 fast foir me haha) crossing over into mainstream fashion, more and more people sporting motley shirts and big hair, it seems to be a pretty cool thing for the teenagers to be getting into, both here and uk, and sweden has a huge glam rock scene going on... but it must be big in places in the states cos glam rockers are so pro-america its ridiculous!!
lol i was gettin so annoyed on the forums, so sick of glamsters they are about the most pretentious self loving wankers in the world!! as much as that does reflkect the music, and i do love the music, fuuuck they need to relax!! 'im so good cos my cowboy boots and signed copy of vince neils crusty pants are from Amerrica!!! Pfft! lol sorry bout my rant!! think i better spend more time on here learning how to do the perfect hawk hehe
At 6:58pm on September 9, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
It's like I told Giant Mohawk man , in addition to trash digging, I'm a research scientist. A BUM, but I like research and drugs.
At 6:57pm on September 9, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Fuck no like 'church bombing' maybe- fuck that kinda 'scientits'.
Na I'm gonna be a mycologist. All by myself. I'm gonna start cultivating psilocybe cubensis.
At 6:43pm on September 9, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
awsome :)
what ur email adress so i can add u? :)
if thats okai x x
At 6:36pm on September 9, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
fucking awsome*
At 6:36pm on September 9, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
that sounds fucking
and great taste in music :D
you got msn btw?
At 6:25pm on September 9, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
New pictures - so super cutie!
I'm still a little high. Looks like I'm going into business with my friend real soon. The whole science deal. Need to do something quick, na mean?
At 6:15pm on September 9, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
my older sister sorta got a lazy hawk thing going on as the bottom layers cut all around her head
and ima grow it big as i can
and ive grown up listening to all sorts
but i love punk, metal and ska
my fave bands are iron maiden, the clash, rancid, misfits, blitzkids and metallica :)
how about urself?
At 11:54pm on September 8, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
bloody hell :)
and yeh it not huge yet but its gettin there
had it for about 4-5 monthd now had horrid curly mop before
At 11:33pm on September 8, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
4-5 inches i think im not sure aint measured lol :)
how bigs ur spikes?
At 7:53pm on September 7, 2010, Brett Alan Spencer said…
ur welcome and epic spikes :)
At 6:29pm on September 6, 2010, Tara Trash said…
Aghh! ran out of space, stop tryin to silence me mohawksrock!!! hahaha anyways was gonna say this:
And nah i havent seen those movies hey ill have to get onto it, always up for a good comedy! =)

anyways ill leave it there and take this opporunity to post a pretty picture! =(

At 6:26pm on September 6, 2010, Tara Trash said…
GiGiiiiiii!!!! Sorry i've been a bit slack, had actual work to do and stuff!
And obv another ridiculous weekend!! selling merch at a mates gig, painting up a huge can of hairspray to say 'sleaze juice' and offering a free glam 80s tease to anyone that bought their ep hehehe. didnt get that much hair done as it wasnt a huge gig but oh well!
Another aussie glam/rock band was playng with like the cutest guitarist we'd seen for ages! my friend and i were just about ready to pay for his flight back to sydney so he could stay longer hahaha, my friend even had his iphone out and bookin a flight!! lol but their singer killed out fun and they all drove back to syd!Was a fun weekend anyways, and i got a haircut yesterday after christ knows how long, im stoked!its all nikki sixx and joan jett and awesome =)
Oh! and you were right that cute boy hadnt checked his emails... so when lunch rolled round i went straight over and asked him and he said yes =) and then we had lunch like 2 days in a row, yay for cute boys to look at heheheh =D
oh and what does he look like?lol well one of the girls i work with called him an 18th century poet..but i think thats a disguise for the 21st century emo hiding inside!! lol hes got long brown hair and some facial hair, and reeealy tight pants hahaha so im bit nervous he is either a closet gay or closet emo..i kinda hope its the latter!!Lol
Hm anyways what else.. Tommy Lee, lol whats he been doing since Pamela? lol well he has been thinking he's a wigga for long?since he bought out methods of mayhem with that 'get naked' song that not even lil kim could save!!! lol then he did some weak solo stuff, not hes bought out another methods of mayhem album! i kinda wanna hear it..!!! even tho it will most surely suck but hes a cute wigga anyways!!
And Yeah kick-ass is the one with that kid, hit girl, and some teenage type kids, but its an awesome film with loads of carnage, and hit girl even likes to bust out the c-word! ;-)
At 10:13pm on September 2, 2010, Jennn said…
At 10:06pm on August 31, 2010, Tara Trash said…
hey yeah he is pretty hot lol, and slash, i still would say one of the hottest guys in the world ^.^
speaking of which tommyland is tommy lee's autobiography, another super hottie on my opinion, i loved his 80's frank n furter look as much as i like him tryin to be a cute wigga lol
and the dirt is the official motley biography, basically like all 4 bio's in one :-)
Sounds like u had a fun wknd too, bummer about your knees tho, especially after u went to well Not falling over!!!haha and spose the lack of hang over was thanks to spewing?? lol i should puke more often!
Argh theres a new guy started at my work hes sooooo cute! i spoke to him for a minute yesterday then emailed him today to see if he wqants to hang at lunch, but he hasnt answered yet! argh! 80%of me knows he prob hasnt checked it yet..but cant shake off that 20%paranoia!!
Hm what else.. i saw that movie kick-ass the other day, it so rules!! =)
Anyways i should really do work, as much as im enjoying listening to pink floyd and laughing at ur background pic! hehehehe
see-ya! =)
ooh ps. speaking of tommy lee, i got spome tommy hot pants comin in the post from u.s and a haha =D
At 5:38pm on August 30, 2010, Tara Trash said…
Hey hey!!
sorry for the super late reply, had actual work o do at work for once!
And just had a long weekend which was awesome! i kept bgetting so confused on friday, thinking it was saturday, then when saturday turned into a mass stone-on, hang over recovery day, it felt like sunday should..then by the time sunday came round i still had a whole day to spare!didnt do a whole lot, smoked up down the back of a sand dune, wrote a letter, than my mate and i went to another spot, on some rocks where the ocean comes in to make a river, pretty cool area, then we dissapeared under a tree for another smoke, and some people were fishing and laughing at us....!
anyways...what else is new in the world...more super drinking adventures lined up this weekend! argh! a double header even, im gonna suffer lol, friday night is a mates gig at this mad punk place, next night some other mates are releasing their e.p and we said we would sit by the merch table for them... ie- sell merch lol, we are gonna be a hungover bunch..atleast we will look all cool and smug behind the merch table, no one will have to know!!bahahahaha
Anyways yay blink 182 is cool.. tho i never used to like them much but they have defo grown on me over the years! and u should def get the ozzy book, and slash and nikki Are huge hollywood whores haha actually i havent read either of their books! i read the dirt, and tommyland, just never got round to nikki.. and i would like to read slash one day ^.^
And i dont think i have seen robert smith and barbara streisand battle! i bet its epic tho!! i saw a barand new southpark the other week where they re-visit a bunch of old splot lines and characters, and barbara streisand is back as this huge epic 2010-style robot dinosour thing!it rules!!
anyways better head off, party on grrrl! =)
At 6:41pm on August 27, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Nah I'm high. With no money now. But on the way here I found a trash can FULL of beer cans and that is going to go towards more killer bud. Plastics go to mycology research.
At 4:50pm on August 26, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Oh hell. Not around me, youd get high!!! I get like the best bud nowadays. I'm gonna start shrooming in my garage. Really cool.

At 8:43pm on August 24, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Well it goes on everyday. THe discovering. Like how high i can get. Its really fun :)
I got a tiny bit of weed and its burning a fucking humoungous hole in my pocket. Even more than the Charizard I caught.
I made a lot in bottles and cans. I buy more w33d than things I actually need.
At 5:51pm on August 24, 2010, Tara Trash said…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!! DROPKICK MURPHYS ARE COMING!!!!!!!! omfg im losing my shit! haha there playing a festival with FRENZAL RHOMB, MEGADETH 3 ICHES OF BLOOD, NOFX, fucking GWAR and a whole bunch of other shit!!!!! WOW! sorry if u dont care lol i had to share my excitement with some one!! yay yay yay yay yay!!!! =D

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