Mohawks Rock

Alextreme's Comments

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At 3:23pm on March 8, 2012, Sarai Marie said…

nice mohawk :D

At 2:49pm on November 17, 2011, jadetMartin said…

damn that's shitty! well i bought mine in a shop in London Camden, on that main-Camden road with all the funny shops and all that xp

At 4:02pm on November 1, 2011, jadetMartin said…
hahahha good choice! :D nice :P
At 9:47am on September 21, 2011, Toker said…

looked like u shitted in the sink....been there bro  whats sup is ya bro is a alci to man....i converted both my bros into alcis too   we all drink like fuckn fish  an toke like muther fuckers

At 12:38pm on September 18, 2011, Toker said…
fuck him man....fuckn way to go
At 7:38am on September 17, 2011, Toker said…
dude was that u shittin in the sink bro...  your becominf fuckn wilder like me every fukn day man   FUCK YEA   where were u at bro?  see ya stretchin too fuckn way
At 11:16pm on August 20, 2011, Commie Scum said…
Nahh I usually fan it because it's easier
At 7:52am on August 13, 2011, Toker said…

fuck yea dude....wish that happened here in the fuck us of FUCKN a


the rich r shit here r the pigs    they look down at us like were shit but their shit.  i say they treat us like scum so we will act like scum


fuck em all



At 10:12am on August 11, 2011, Toker said…
dude at least u got the fuckn tv   fuck the rich man  an fuck the system.  it would of fuckn rocked to be there man....fuck the rich
At 7:01am on August 11, 2011, Toker said…
dude u gettin involved in the riots  fuck yea
At 5:32pm on August 9, 2011, bendy said…
only just got back from rebellion so no not yet lol xxx
At 5:00pm on August 8, 2011, Toker said…

fuck yea dude....but if ya cant get the bread need to find the way to get it man...fuck the rich


i got my septum pierced an usually wear a spike thru it....i got a sharp spike im wearin now an had in for a few weeks...but in my nostrils i got a tunnel in each nostril  each is at 00gu so u can see inside my nose  an then the septum has the fuckn spike


fuck yea man   fuck it all

At 11:25am on August 7, 2011, Toker said…

dude the nose piecings rock bro...i got mine now stretched to 00gu an usually wear tunnels in em.....chicks love it dude.  the snake bites will rock ya to man...i got actually 3 in lower lips at 6 the weight off my lips is kick fuckn ass


others look at us like were shit  FUCK EM AN FUCK EM HARD


when u gettin your bites man?

At 10:49pm on August 2, 2011, Judson Scott Lewis said…

Right on - thanks!



At 6:58am on August 2, 2011, Kaast. said…
Haha thank you! :D
At 9:12am on July 27, 2011, Barbiepueppchen said…

well the waffles kinda scream to be made now :D

music turned up even tho ppl are here haha but they're used to it n had a 10 month break while I was gone haha so it's all good

Good look for ur job hunt ;) tell if u were successfull

At 9:00am on July 27, 2011, Barbiepueppchen said…

Well a friend of mine is gonna help me anyways :D

We already did it with a friends hair that was as long as mine :P

but before we do that... we'll make waffles haha what are you up to ?

At 8:30am on July 27, 2011, Barbiepueppchen said…

Doin pretty good ^_^

nae prbly gonna do that today tho (:

At 8:19am on July 27, 2011, Barbiepueppchen said…
Hey thank you (:
Whats up?
At 12:58am on July 8, 2011, Toker said…
Fuck dude...thanks.   i usually always party my balls off an causen all types of trouble  FUCK YEA

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