Mohawks Rock

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At 6:48am on July 6, 2011, DinoDino said…
ah, thanks. I'll look for it on ebay or something. they only sell one brand here.
At 6:27am on June 24, 2011, DinoDino said…
uh orange. or something pink-ish. haha D:
At 8:57am on June 19, 2011, DinoDino said…
Haha, thats what I don't know.
At 2:57pm on June 18, 2011, DinoDino said…
thanks that would be great :D I still need to decide on a colour though. ah, I have such big problems in life.
At 6:05pm on June 17, 2011, DinoDino said…

Ah, well that sounds better then having to bleach it over and over again. I don't think i loose so much hair, but it just burns like hell if i bleach it alot. Haha if i get bald i can use wigs :D i want to dye it :/ don't know which color though.


awesome :D

At 1:41pm on June 17, 2011, DinoDino said…

No wonder my hair gets fucked up, then. I leave it for 30 minutes and bleach it again a little later. Ha, I'll try that :D

And come to Norway for gods sake! I'll buy you a beer.

At 7:15pm on June 13, 2011, DinoDino said…

Awesome :D I can't wait to see the result. Does it take long for you to bleach it btw? I have really dark hair and everytime i try to bleach it it gets fucked up. lol

At 7:12pm on June 10, 2011, DinoDino said…
Aw, that sucks! any job that requires you to shave your mustache is a shitty job! gee, If my boss told ME to shave mu mustache i'd be a man.. lol.
At 6:29pm on June 10, 2011, DinoDino said…
I like your mustache. I wish I could grow one too.
At 1:23am on March 1, 2011, Samburger. said…
YO! i haven't seen you in like, at least a year. no...not really. i think it was a show at jacob's in noveeeember, maybe? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? are you going to the show at lothlorien on wednesday night? mutilation rites, whorelord, some other crap...i juust might. i actually haven't been talking to jacob ever since he called me a cunt and i called him dumber than a box of rocks. beeest friiiiends! hah, well hopefully i see you soon, mateo.
At 11:49am on February 17, 2011, Jerk said…
yeah sure. do you know when your moving?
At 10:14pm on February 12, 2011, Ing Whatever said…
Yep, english is cool.
At 12:51pm on February 9, 2011, Jerk said…

yeah most people in norway understannd english so that's not going to be a problem

At 7:38pm on January 30, 2011, Ing Whatever said…
Awesome! Trondheim is cool! I live like 30 minutes south of Trondheim. It's also many punks here, and we got a place called UFFA, what you will like! ;)
At 12:46pm on January 23, 2011, Jerk said…

I don't live in trondheim myself so I don't know, but i don't think it's too hard. getting jobs in norway is pretty easy

At 1:48pm on January 22, 2011, Toker said…
At 12:57pm on January 15, 2011, Jerk said…
Norway is okay, but if your going to move here I'd suggest the city Trondheim. lots of punks and a great squat called UFFA. you can also move to Oslo. lots of squats and punks, but the people kinda sucks compared to those in trondheim.
At 5:47pm on January 12, 2011, Miriam said…
haha =D great match then
found this weird youtube video a norwegian made about norway :) more for entertainment x) n with awful english... invented the oil... x) so terribly wrong
At 10:56am on January 12, 2011, Miriam said…

Hi hm I dunno if i would really... Cus it really deepends on how u want to have it around u and I have no idea what it is like for u in USA (why u dont like it there). I really love Norway, but sometimes it can feel a little bit too calm. BUT! i think that might be the reason to why i like it so much here :) if things are to calm for to long people start doing weird random shit ^_^ and the newer generations are trying to accept it all x). the old people however...

maybe u will like it, maybe u will come here n not see what im seeing :P our heads dont work the same way so i cant really tell u if u will like it better here or there.

well im leaving norway in 1 n a half year :) Australia! imagine people being friendly over there n not so shy, how they are here. (norweagian shy things where i live: talking to people u dont know sober is a no no, sitting next to anyone u dont know if u can stand instead nono.)  N WARMER! haha^_^ the cold weather is to painfull! x)

god that comment got long

At 8:09pm on January 9, 2011, Ing Whatever said…
I meant - 15 to - 30 degrees.

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