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Sovietbrawler's Comments

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At 10:09am on August 13, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
I've got a job interview at subway today lol
Lets hope the mohawk and piercings don't bother the interviewer. He sounded pretty chill on the phone so here's hoping.
At 3:45am on August 11, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Lol whooot
At 11:39pm on August 10, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Lol maybe just a bit ;D
At 10:21pm on August 10, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
It's been pretty hot here too, but I've just mostly been hiding in my room lol.
At 12:50am on August 10, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
EH not much. Got stranded in a seriously freaky lightning storm earlier today.
At 9:32pm on August 9, 2009, Double A said…
kewl hawk.
At 2:56am on August 9, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Yea me too.
At 9:31pm on August 8, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Yea, I wish it was as simple as just snapping her neck or something. But he's gotta wait until at least the 16th of September cause that's when he can go for his G license and he has to be on an insurance police for that and if he leaves she will take him off it and fuck him right over. So I'm hoping for him to come on the 18th lol cause it'll be our anniversary.
At 9:09pm on August 8, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
>:D I'll be waiting then.
At 2:17pm on August 8, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Only then I'd create the new problem of him being all pissed off at me cause I killed his mom :/
At 12:13am on August 7, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Thing is I'm tiny lmao so the recoil would probably knock me on my ass.
At 10:20pm on August 6, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
:D then I'd need to learn to use it lmao
At 11:51pm on August 5, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Well that, or I find me a good shotgun.
At 4:48pm on August 5, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Thanks, but I don't think looks have anything to do with it. either that or she'd rather have her baby dating a walrus. cause that's what his ex looked like. Like seriously and walrus with the whiskers and everything. On our grad photos that show every graduating student she deliberately commented on how amazing she looked, after telling Xach he looks amazing she then looked at me and walked away. So if she thinks walruses are beautiful I must be the ugliest thing shes ever laid eyes on.
As for just bitching her out, I've tried and not only does it upset Xach but she doesn't listen to anything. she had to have there family doctor tell them that she cant be taking a 17 year olds fucking laptop away when he does something she dislike. She is literately as mature as a 12 year old. and I'm not even exaggerating. If things don't go her way she freaks out and takes his shit away or fucks up his plans, if she doesn't like something she freaks out about it. Just like a 12 year old having a tantrum. It's her way or no way basically.
At 2:05am on August 5, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
I meant Band, not bad. Sorry
At 2:04am on August 5, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
I don't have him living with me yet, and that's the problem. Actually she's grounded him for not wanting to find a new job. He's 17 and already has one, she just thinks he's not making enough money. He pays her car insurance and that's is and he makes more then enough to pay for that. But for some reason she thinks it's not good enough. So she's grounded him, forbidding him to leave the house until he makes a resume, that she approves of, and a list of jobs that are 'real' jobs and are appropriate in her eyes.
She then proceeds to tell him what HIS list of priorities. 1. Finding a better job, 2. Paying back the loan he got for his apprenticeship (That has not even been touched yet) and 3. Finding a place to take his apprenticeship. When he told her no, this is my list, 1.Tasha (Me), 2. My bad (That's what he wants to do for a living) and 3, actually enjoying the last summer I have before working full time. She turned around and flat out said that they were not important. Like I understand she hates me and everything, I've come to terms with that. But it still fucking hurts when she flat out says I'm not important to him. So it's been almost a week since I've seen him and we are supposed to be going out for dinner next weekend. But I'm sure she knows that and is just waiting for that to pass so she can say he's ungrounded. Just like my fucking birthday. Guh don't even get me started on that.

Sorry about the rant, I've been inches away of busting more holes in the wall. Dad doesn't like that too much.
At 9:55pm on August 3, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Yea I've noticed that the hawk has given me a pretty big confidence boost lol. Funny thing is she hasn't seen it up yet and she keeps saying things like "OH I'd just LOOVE to see it up!" in the most condescending way possible. Oh well, in like 4 months I shouldn't have to be dealing with her anymore cause he's supposed to be moving in with me.

And if I ever need someone exterminated in NY, I know who to call :D
At 3:29pm on August 2, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Hah, maybe that's the problem. I don't maybe because 'I'm taking her baby away' Or something. Aside from getting us stranded in Toronto with no money and no car for 3 days and then bitching at him for not being home in time, and constantly making remarks about how wonderful his ex was, she's just insane.

98% eh? Hmm.. One problem. I could only pay you in various baked goods, cause I'm poor and cant find a job ;D
At 10:35pm on August 1, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
I promised him I'd try and get along. but... I'm sure if SOMEONE mysteriously murdered her I couldn't be blamed for it..
What are your various methods of extermination? and the success rate?

And she's just trying to fuck everything up and keeps telling him that I'm no good for him and yadayadayada. The same old 'she's a bad influence I don't want her dating my son' thing. But in all honestly I can not think of any other words then Complete Cunt to sum up all the shit she's done to us. And that is not a word I use lightly.
At 3:21pm on July 31, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Eh, nothing much. Just plotting the most efficient way to murder someones mother without getting caught.

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