Mohawks Rock

CorpseQueen's Comments

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At 10:23pm on June 30, 2014, Boogle said…

today is your birthday?!!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D 

At 7:17am on June 30, 2014, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day CorpseQueen.....Hawk up today?:-)What kind of cake?

At 6:02am on June 30, 2014, Kobalos said…

Many happy returns! :)

At 7:37am on June 30, 2013, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day Corpse!! What's the Plan??

At 3:51pm on March 18, 2013, Steve said…

How many people you got workin with you to help with the cakes? And what exactly qualifies a "small" cake?

I'm doin metal scrapping, house buldin, and part-time bike assembly at Toys-R-Us. So I lied, 2 1/2 jobs! And thanks, but like you I'm  procrastinating and might not get around to the GED for a while.

At 10:14pm on March 8, 2013, Steve said…

Well every now and again my hair decides to go all "Jersey Shore" on me, still tryin to work out that bug. And DAMN is that allot of cake!

Got 2 jobs and have been workin like a slave. Been tryin to go to school to get a GED but it seems like the only time I'm not workin is time I'm sleepin!

At 6:30pm on March 5, 2013, Steve said…

Thanks, I've been tryin out different products. Its actually not too much different than just having 10 mohawks!

What you been up to? Still doin the cake thing?

At 3:08pm on March 8, 2012, Sarai Marie said…

I LOVE the colours in your hair, lookin stellar! :D

At 8:01pm on February 14, 2012, Dead End Demon said…

That's rough, I remember mine used to take a while, especially since I was a real perfectionist about it, but it never ended up quite the way I liked it, Devilocks are way easier haha, still looks boss though, well worth the effort

At 4:23am on January 3, 2012, Alex "Stinky" Ng said…

Are you still on this site?

You're one of the last remaining rational thinkers on this site.

I came back to see how everything is going, but it's so quiet

At 9:12pm on October 14, 2011, James said…
yea, only reason mines wide is bc i suck at shaving the sides and never get close enough so whatever i miss grows out. better to start late then never!
At 3:06pm on October 14, 2011, James said…
unfortunately the hairs arent that thick but the hawk itself has gotten wide over the years so it works out ;)
At 11:23pm on July 16, 2011, Aydyn Haylyn said…
Thanks for everything. All the advice you gave me was really helpful.
At 2:18pm on July 15, 2011, Aydyn Haylyn said…
Thanks for the advice. It was really helpful. I just hae a few more questions to ask you since you seemed to be the one that knows the most information to keep hair healthy. I have used hot oil treatments in tghe past, but it never worked. Is there a certain brand I should get that will work better? And if I us a hair mask once a week, then will that help the hot oil treatment work in my hair? And... will I have to straighten my hair before I can put my mohawk up?
At 4:15pm on July 12, 2011, Alex "Stinky" Ng said…

I am very well!


It looks like we went through similar struggles to get our hair the way it is. My family was not too stoked about me going 2/3 bald.

But we're here now and that's what counts...

(or something like that)

At 8:38pm on July 9, 2011, Alex "Stinky" Ng said…
I remember when I first joined, in 2009 you were one of the best forum posters.

And I guess you still are.

Your dog made daily top 10, and it's adorable.
At 7:17pm on June 28, 2011, Britt said…
What do you use to color ur hair? And how long does it last? It looks awesum!
At 12:31am on May 22, 2011, Steve said…

Pretty good! An old friend moved back, so my 2 bedroom apartment now has 5 people instead of 4 T.T all in all, good day!

Good to see your still in business at least, eh?

At 9:04pm on May 21, 2011, Steve said…

Alright, judging by this picture you spray your hair then stand it up. I think I'm good to go!

Whats up? Survive the rapture?

At 1:54am on May 11, 2011, Steve said…
You might be right about using hair spray; I went to wash my hawk down, and before I got in the shower I used got2b to stand my sides up. They're only about 1/4 inch long, but it took about 30 seconds to do.

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