Mohawks Rock

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At 5:54am on August 11, 2009, lovisa said…
Woah, thanks! Yes, tease it A LOT, and hairspray the hell out of it. When it's got that basic mohawk shape, I take a hairbrush and even it out, and than I go over it with hairspray again. I just put it up like that because I never really got the hang of fanning, and I keep it way too wide!
At 6:19am on August 8, 2009, Kyle said…
Oh so you are a pirate sounds like fun, just make sure you don't get scurvy.
At 8:40pm on August 7, 2009, Kyle said…
Ahoy? Are you a pirate or something? lol
At 9:46pm on July 28, 2009, Shitfaced said…
nothing much is going on for me, wats up with you?
At 11:36pm on July 23, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
To each their own lol
At 5:05pm on July 22, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Really, I don't think Guitar Hero has that good of selection for songs. But I also can't stand the GH controllers. The buttons are slightly different and I can't hold it right lol The only GH game I played though was GH Metallica cause I could use the Rock Band controller. I know what you mean with the difficulties though. I'd be able to play on hard if it wasn't fer that damn orange button. I can't move my pinky down to hit it and if I move my hand I get royally fucked lmao
At 9:36am on July 22, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Ha! I got through it on legendary! with the help of like 2 other people lmao but still! Only thing is because Microsoft are a bunch of money sucking scum bags, all I can play is the Campaign, Lone Wolves and Social Slayer. Cause I don't have all the map packs, just the free ones. ;P and the next Microsoft points card I buy is going to buying that Iron Maiden track pack fer Rock Band 2. Cause god forbid I could actually play the guitar lmao.
At 9:52pm on July 20, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Yea, a good friend of mine gave me Pokemon Yellow last month lol and I bought Red a while ago cause when I was like 8 and got my Gameboy it came with Pokemon Crystal. Lol that's the only reason I got it cause it was like $100, or whatever they were selling for, for both the game and they Gameboy

If you ever play or get yer own Xbox live you can add me, ToxicPinkPoison lol I'm creative like that. Just tell me who you are if you add me, I hate randoms.
At 8:09am on July 20, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Fuck yea! And it's even more awesome when your playing Pokemon Crystal. ;D Before Pokemon became crap... Ahh those were the good days.

I haven't played half life my self but I used to watch an ex play it all the time. I'll probably get the orange box if I ever have money. I need to get a new battery pack for my pink controller cause it's dead and wont charge anymore ;p Do you have xbox live?
At 12:37am on July 20, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Aside from my computer and my wicked awesome Gameboy Color, I'm a 360 girl. I've recently become completely addicted to Fallout 3. Problem is my dad is too and it's his game so I can only play when he's not and that's if he remembers to turn off his game so I can take it. So that means, grated he remembers, I can only play when he goes to work at 8pm to 4am. I don't sleep much ;D
At 9:20pm on July 19, 2009, NeonLightning said…
w00t!!! canadain
At 7:34pm on July 19, 2009, Jesse Germs said…
YeAH. and Miss maully totally bashes that stereotype! lol. And I know what you mean about the zombie walk. There's one goin down in edmonton that I'm goin to. Gonna be soooooo much fun. I'll definatly post pictures!
At 7:11pm on July 19, 2009, Jesse Germs said…
Lol. Okay. I play bass and vocals in a band called fiends for pleasure, and bass in another band called scrap. Bass is the only instrument I play. My top three are Social D, Leftover crack and the Misfits. And, like you my tastes are across the map, yet I lean further toward that style of stuff. I'm a dog person, my best friend is my pitbull, Maully. I really like halloween cause it's just so much fun, lol. And my color, orange! :D
At 4:57pm on July 18, 2009, Jesse Germs said…
Rough. Not a whole lot of work these days.... - So you should tell me more about yourself... Do you play music or any instruments?, what's your top three bands to listen to?, -(Random) -----> Dog's or cat's?, Favorite holiday (mines halloween ---- Suprise!), Favorite color?
At 2:34am on July 17, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
Well, It's given me time to catch on some much needed gaming lmao that's for sure.
At 12:01am on July 17, 2009, Socially Unacceptable said…
nm, just a shitload of working, you should put some pictures up of your new hair
At 5:54pm on July 16, 2009, Toxic☣ said…
I luvs mah lemon cats :D
Sorry for the late response, internetz went kapoot.
At 4:05am on July 16, 2009, Socially Unacceptable said…
well howdy doo bitch tits, how are you?
At 1:57pm on July 15, 2009, strappleberry said…
i swar we were already friends lol
At 5:43pm on July 14, 2009, strappleberry said…
thank you for the pic comment what part of toronto are you from do u have a facebook or email adress so we can talk more?

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