Mohawks Rock

Socially Unacceptable's Comments

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At 1:31am on June 30, 2012, Olivia Dixon said…
Haha what city do you live in?
At 7:47pm on December 09, 2010, Cheri Johnson gave Socially Unacceptable a gift
your so cute :D Mwa
At 6:14pm on August 15, 2009, Moogle said…
Dude where do you live at in Michigan? I use to live there, I miss it so bad!
At 1:33am on July 17, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol maybe when I get a good pic I shall
At 5:45pm on July 16, 2009, SyKe said…
lol I'm pretty good. Just dyed my hawk black and purple with stripes on zeh sides. It looks pretty snazzy

How boot you?
At 2:05am on July 16, 2009, SyKe said…
At 2:57pm on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Hey yeh sorry lol I went to sleep at 6:30 am but you never came back XD
At 12:34pm on June 16, 2009, bendy said…
i hav the best high face in the world
At 12:58am on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol yeah I'm kinda all over the place when it comes to music. Love a lot of techno and industrial too, darkwave, trance, that kinda thing.
At 12:52am on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol yeah that's kinda the idea behind it. Tool and The Distillers definitely, I've also been using Bush as a HUGE influence especially lyrically and Nirvana, obv. I have a lot of weird influences that just inspire me moreso XD like Beck and Our Lady Peace
At 12:38am on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Nothing uploaded yet XD we're still working on the sound. Hopefully a grunge-punk mixup with some foolin' around with time sigs and adding heavier riffs. Possibly some electronic additives but we're unsure lol. It's...difficult to find a unique sound, which is what we're trying to do
At 12:33am on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol siiiiick. Dread hawks are awesome.

And nope, Ontario XD
At 12:15am on June 16, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol true enough, I assumed obviously but I've seen some people with SUPER white hair XD
This guy I know accidentally said some stuff to an albino girl once...yeah anyway lmao

Makes sense, but it looks so sick =] whatr you doing with it next?
At 11:57pm on June 15, 2009, SyKe said…
Lol. Why thankya XD 'tis a deathawk now but I'll prolly end up getting the bangs back next haircut. Haven't got the look perfected for me yet but yeees.

I'm gonna be goin to Sheridan ^^ super stoked. Your platinum hair makes me jealous lmao I tried getting it that white, it's not natural is it?
At 2:10am on June 15, 2009, SyKe said…
Ey! What's shakin' stranger?
At 8:47pm on March 30, 2009, Hillary Becker said…
You have a new crush! Click here to see if you're compatible!
At 2:53am on August 25, 2008, Sonic Architect said…
Hey...I was just going through my pics and deleting certain ones and found a comment you made on one about Crass....I do not remember this comment and don't think I responded to it.

You mention that you have never found a decent recording? I have all their albums, most of their bootlegs, and have at least heard all of the bootlegs and never thought the recording was too bad...especially on the actual albums. Which ones did you hear and how do you mean decent recording?

Anyway, yeah Crass was amazing for sure and still inspire me to this day. =)
At 2:23am on July 12, 2008, dweezil leveque said…
Ahhh...trihawks are so tricky for me to do on my own head!! I always have another do it or me!!
At 6:35pm on June 5, 2008, Clint Casualty said…
How's your school and mohawks? do they allow them,
I'll be pissed if my school says I can't wear one/
At 5:08pm on May 27, 2008, Clint Casualty said…
thanks' mate, maybe next time I won't get that "Slump" effect

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