Mohawks Rock

Yo guys this will be my first post so as you have deduced I am new here

well I have been growing my hair for damn near 5 years now (yes this is no lie) ih ave almost half of my body length in hair and I think it's time for a change so I want to hawk it I want some input though how short should I start the mohawk and what products should I get I have somewhat thinner hair (not balding just thin damn it)

so any info would be appreciated

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True but I am triple jointed in my shoulders :P also I have very awesome friends that would help out but I figure since it'll be the first hawk I should keep it short but at the same point cutting near 3 feet of hair off is a bit hard for me to cope with
... All of it. Go fo the new world record man. Just get a bunch of friends together, and copy pretty much exactly what the current record hold has.... Just longer.

Then you can take it down from there. Just remember... you can't put the hair back on.
YEs totally do the record.
I was going to try that first as of right now I measured my hair and it's at 3"9' so I dunno if I'll have enough aquanet anyone in the michigan area that wants to help me try this your more then welcome to send me a message and get in contact with me
It's one of the rules of the internet

"Pics, or it didn't happen"

wait the point of doing it if not to flaunt it at some point
Haha I agree.

Just like Seg's spinach green hawk. =-O
go for the record and i will award you over 9000 punk points
Mine is at a foot long and still growing. I don't have any difficulties getting it up(after i learned the method that works best for me). I say aas long as you can reach the top of it without difficulty it should be fine. So about arms lenght should work. If you get the proper method it shouldn't reguire to much hairspray.
actually,. if I were you, you have the opportunity for the world record for longest mohawk, Get a bunch of friends together, a few cans of hairspray, a couple combs, brushes and blowdryers, and then shave the sides and put up the hawk.

After you get the world record(if you're hair is long enough) just cut it down to like 7-8 inches, 12-16 if you're feeling like u can handle it
Exactly... but I suggest bar hopping with the giant hawk. You can probably get a few free drinks out of it.


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