Mohawks Rock

What FIVE things would you fockin love t'do right now
I'm making it FIVE so it's harder to choose

in no particular order, mine are:

1. Have banging, angry, loud sex that smashes up my room
2. Curb Gordon Brown
3. Sprout angel wings and just fly away
4. Turn the sun back on
5. Learn to wank AND write these things simultaneously WITHOUT all the mess and typos

I'd prefferably like to amalgomate all five of mine into one fun-filled activity aswell, that way i'd have four more options left over =] ..

there ya go,

this is a good way t'learn about other people

dont comment on my top five unless you have to, just accept that there's no hope for me xD

... GO!


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I think Bush takes the cake though...
The upside down phone one made me "lol"
An interesting tid bit of news for those who don't know whats going down in the UK at the moment
Speaking of news in the UK, the BNP just won two seats in the EU Parliament.
Scary that a group like that has gained support...
Just proves how narrow-minded and easy-to-sway people can be by playing the nationalist card in times of poor economy. Ppl always like to find an escape goat to flog.

Mind you, can't say I support any of the parties - they're all just designed for marketing and they don't hold to their principles anyway. It's mostly only about power and money, IMHO.
Holla holla for somma that Big D and the Kids Table!!!
1 get a job cuz with economy its fucken impossible
2 get a car im in desperate need
3 get lots of peircings and tattoos
4 random sex
5 somehow travel back in time and hang with crass for a day
your number 1 is always fun! I've got my fingers crossed for ya
and I support turning the sun back on. <3

be skinny (or just a little bit thinner hah)
money (for school and living, don't exactly want to move from the coast line)
get all my degrees
sex marathon. hah
travel overseas!!

I have more..but i'll pretend I didn't post and list another on a later date. haha
Why do you want to be skinny?
Aesthetics. Because I know I can't, more so due to bone structure than anything else. :-) haha
same for me
Just tank up! be one of those muscle women!


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