Mohawks Rock

Hey, im thinking about a hawk.
some things on the mind....

1). not sure if im ready for the jump
2) when you got one, how did you style it when its not up?
3) what are guys opinions on them?


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all the girls who tell you 'no' are hella jealous you got the balls!! that and their guys are gonna be spellbound by you!!
1. Do it the once then you will know for sure and you wont keep wondering.
2. When mine isn't up I put it in a pony or pull ribbons through it and braid it back or towards the front (which looks better than it sounds) You'll find different things that work for you
3. I'm not the type to listen to people who tell me not to do something that "I" want to do. They aren't me.when first time I did it everyone loved it. Ive some friends who said they would have told me NO but everyone of them loved it. My husband loves it and actually trims and shaves it for me. The people who complement me the most are guys. It's really obvious they think it's hot. If they didn't think so I wouldn't care, my man loves it and that's what matters to me
I skimmed the thread - head bands are good too, especially if your hair is short. or you have to work and it's not long enough for a pony tail.

they attract a lot of attention.. haha.
I shaved my head way over two years ago and have never, ever looked back.
I'm thinking about it too, and I have the same reservations as you... my hair is so long now and its never been short, so its going to be a drastic change for me. but then again, there is no time like now , and I may never again have the chance to do something like this when I have to get out into the professional world. and I'm a little nervous because I'm not one of those thin girls who I think look gorgous with hawks....
This Guy's Opinion: They're fucking sexy!
EVERY guy on this sites opinion.....
My Opinion: I love you.

'Cept thats not an opinion...
"1) i'd been thinking about it for awhile, then just got a sudden urge to finally do it & got my friend to shave the sides for me within 15 min. after deciding that. so just take the jump, you'll love the outcome." - ccravingss


2: I let it hang. It falls one way or the other or in some ugly curtains.
3: Women with hawks do it for me, i adore hawks on women.
personally 90% of the girls i see with mohawks are hideous
You must not have seen many....

ugh. >.>
I only think this is true when they have an extremely manly horse face.

Other wise girls are extremely sexy with Mohawks.


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