Mohawks Rock

a lot of ppl think chicks with hawks r gay or dykes wtf totaly not true

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Girls with short hair in general are completely fucking hot in my book. Mohawks are bonus.
I agree 100%.

And we tend not to hide behind our hair when it's short, so it's pretty much all out there. haha
you know, i still believe that people need to stop judging others by how they look, but i was asked out by a girl for the first time today, and it was a little weird for me... granted i was wearing old baggy clothes because i had a messy lab for a class, but i didnt know what to do! i felt so bad saying, "sorry, i like guys." i never thought i looked like a dyke, and apparently a lot of guys dont think so either because ive been hit on more now with my hawk than i ever have before. but i guess a lot of other people would think girls with mohawks are dykes...

i still feel very sexy and femine with it and wouldnt change it for the world, but i hope others stop judging people by looks alone
Maybe she didn't assume. Maybe she just took a chance on a sexy girl. Who hasn't?
It's normal! You see a cute girl, you hit on her and you hope that A) she's gay, B) she's bi, C) she's curious or D) she's straight but she thinks you're so damn hot that she doesn't care that you're not a boy. Either way: kerching!

Yes folks, I am a female chauvanist pig. I openly admit it.
I'm getting action out of a straight(ish) girl right now.
ain't nothing wrong with girls, either ;-) haha

but that is a HUGE compliment, if you ask me!!! You're doing something right :-D
haha now i feel like a dick. i mean, i was flattered and all, but for someone whos not used to being hit on at all its very awkward. i think the hawk has made me more noticable to both sexes, which is fine by me ^.^
I really think you might get used to it after a while =] I definitely understand though. I think you'll get used to the attention hehe
im sure i will... im getting used to the dirty looks from conservative parents that live around here, but its the compliments that im not used to yet lol
My response:
Close enough, but I'm actually pansexual. =P
You know it! (If I'm feeling too lazy to explain what pansexual is).


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