Mohawks Rock

a lot of ppl think chicks with hawks r gay or dykes wtf totaly not true

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That was the first comment I got..."You look like a lesbian" Not totally true. ;) I do love my Man.
I think alot of people assume so, although, I was hoping it was just in small towns, like mine.
Apparently not.

I suppose it is because we live in such a categorical world, where it is nice to fit things in a box. And therefore, its all too easy to simply label any girl with short hair, or god forbid, a shaved head or mohawk, as a lesbian.

And then, as other have pointed out, to use this sexuality as in insult is insulting in itself.

Some people, have something seriously wrong with them.
What I have to say in regards to that box:

With the current state of mohawk, the box will have to conform to my shape.
The mold is broken. haha WE ARE BUSTING OUT OF OUR BOXES LADIES!!!!!

(lol, I said boxes. and busted)
okay, weird humor moment over now.
Well, we could all grow mullets, surely no one would question sexuality after that, bahaha
You can never tell a persons sexual orientation based on a hairstyle. Some people are ignorant. Actually many people are ignorant and don't understand other cultures/ways of living other than their own. Rather than react negatively inform.
I've been called a dyke on many occasions, but I really couldn't care less. If people are gonna be that superficial they aren't worth my time.
so true Ravenstar, they really aren't worth our time.
no one's ever straight up asked me or treated me like i was gay, but that's not to assume some people aren't thinking it. mostly i just don't care what people think of me anyway...i figure it's none of my business. ha.
I'm a dyke but it has nothing to do with my mohican. The fact that I'm a butch girl who mainly sleeps with femme girls is what makes me a dyke. The mohican just means I'm a punk.
Nicely worded!
Why the hell would I grow my hair out long and leave it a natural color? Then I'd look like all the other preppy people out there and we all know there are WAY to many of those. I've had people come up to me and ask if I was a girl or a guy. Like seriously can you not tell from my chest? Just because I look like a guy sometimes doesn't mean I'm gay because I like guys. And no I won't date a girl. People just put sterio types on the way you look. Everyone needs to thing outside the box.
Damn straight! Who wants to look like a clone when it's so much more fun to stand out as an individual?


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