Mohawks Rock

i fucking love taffy and butterscotch.
who else loves to rot their teeth with sugary goodness?

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dude i fucking hate coconut,the smell of it makes me gag.
id die if i was stranded on an island.
what if it wasnt a tropical island, also today i got choc covered pineapple lollies it turned out to ber banana flavoured gum covered in chocolate
ditto! shits nasty as hell
Sour Patch Kids :)
anything candy....ANYTHING
Candy.. is gross.

I don't eat junk food, fast food, or like.. Hostess or Little Debby.

I prefer healthy foods. That won't rot me teeth.

Bad teeth are the biggest turn off for me. I don't care how attractive everything else is about you, if you have bad teeth it freaks me out.

I'm lactose intolerant anyways, so most candy is off limits to me. And I hate chocolate, have braces so anything gummy will rip the brackets off, and yeah.. That pretty much covers it for me. I don't like the way any of it tastes though.
endoscopy+entire throat swollen= :(
i've changed my mind, i do like liquorice, i had some really nice liquorice last night and it's converted me, maybe its the really cheap stuff that puts me off.

i love sweets but in moderation, as a treat.

flying saucers are the best!!!! i love sherbet
I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!! CANDY RULES!!!...i like those swirly stixx cuz i cant lick em i have to chew offf a peice and then crunch it!! and its all sticky and yummy and omg ORGASM!!!! yaa i like candyy
nah he couldnt be, no way she likes candy
I like Jolly Ranchers and Starburst!

I've taken a leave of absence from candy for awhile though. Trying to eat healthy. It's amazing how much better your body feels after eliminating sugary stuff such as soda and candy.


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