Mohawks Rock

Okay. I've been wanting a mohawk since I can remember. I promised myself I'd do it my senior year. Well, I'm a senior, and now I think I'm chickening out. Could some of you help me get the courage to do it. Especially girls, cuz I'm crazy scared I'll lose my feminimity, even though I know many girls pull them off and look damn good while they're at it.

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it can be scary as hell to shave your head being a chick.. but once you do it you will just LOVE it! there are plenty of ways to keep it feminine. you could get a chelsea hawk, keep it "girly" colors, cute hair accessories i love to wear little bows in mine :P you could go for a trihawk if that makes you more comfortable, youll have more hair left which will give you more styling possibilities when its down..

basically the more you worry about little things like not looking feminine or what people will think the more your gonna chicken out. you know you want one, so just run out and do it! i think youll be very pleased you did! and hell, if you dont end up liking it..its hair, and it will grow back! :D
Oh yeah, scary maybe. But no way will you lose any sort of femininity and you will love it once you have it and realize how awesome you look. Like CorpseQueen said, you have some options in style and it's super easy to girl it up if that's how you're feeling but otherwise: shave it off, rock out, have fun and in the end, hair always grows back. *Smiles*
just go for it, hawks can be very feminine
pictures!! :]
yeah its kind of scary at first when you hear the clippers buzzing i know i was but i just said to myself how much ive wanted this and how rad it will be,you can deffinetly rock it without losing your femininity,your really pretty.
as long as you wear tight jeans people wont take you for a dude.idk if you worried about that as well.
but seriousely you should do it.
as soon as you shave it and put it up for the first time you will be in love.
oh and you dont have to shave it all the way at first if your scared,ease yourself into it.try leaving an inch and a half of hair on the sides and keep the bangs.
the bangs are a dead giveaway your a chick.
ever seen a dude with a mohawk that has bangs?
but you should deffinetly get a mohawk you will LOVE it.
hands down.
yeah actually i saw a guy with a femme hawk on VF
i mean whatever you want to do,but bleh i cant even imagine.


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