Mohawks Rock

My studs keep falling off. its annoying as hell.
any tips to keep them on?

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usually what i do is just punch the stud into my jacket, my jackets really thin material. then secure it.
so does actually punching a hole in make a difference, than to just stabbing the stud in?
I just take plyers and fold them over
at a guess, leather
duct tape fixes everything
ill drink to that, ore at least eat some apple crumble..
"If you cant duck it fuck it"

wisdom in its purest forms =D
I have all screw in spikes on my vest and besides the screw, before I screwed them i put some glue in the hole and then screwed it as tight as possible just for a little extra security since a few would face a lot of tension form seat belts and other things. The glue will help them sustain that mild tension instead of them eventually jarring loose until the point they fall off.
i did a denim vest so my studs stayed in easier but if its leather you will want to use screw ins or if you use studs with the prongs then you will want to use something to make holes in the jacket to make the studs more stable and fit better...
if it's only a thin jacket then put some thicker woolen fabric in as a lining and secure that in well, and then do the studding, they should stay in better then. all else fails use a hammer to smash the little bastards in!
Thanks everyone! I'll try some of the suggestions when i get the time to


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