Mohawks Rock

I'm really interested in why people dress the way they do, and what styles they have worn before, I'm wondering what styles have you worn and what kind of thing you wear now.

I started at 9yrs old wearing black and listening to Siouxsie and The Banshees and the Sex Pistols, then I turned into a Chav for what turned out to be the worst year of my life, then back to Goth, then Emo when it started again, Scene for a while (that annoyed the shit out of me), Grunge-y, Punk and Goth again. My self-discovery journey was a long and difficult one, just ending up in being the same to begin with.

What did you guys wear? and what do you wear now?

The first picture is me a couple of years ago (i think) as Emo
The second picture is me a year ago as Scene
The third is me now

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To be honest I used to listen to nothing BUT rap and I always wore baggy clothes but THANKFULLY I've outgrown that. Now I'm just me. You can label it whatever you want but I'm just me. As for clothes I don't have lots of money to go out and buy expensive goth/punk/emo/whatever shit I just wear a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt of some kind.
i wear whatever i feel like wearing for the day.. i have all sorts of clothing and styles and the way i look changes with how i feel.. thats how ive always been
sometimes i heat up 5 or 6 pots of unsweetened chocolate and fill my tub with it. then i jump in and roll around till i'm covered. then i just wear that all day.
mmm chocolate :P
bet you get all the girls....
Sounds like some kind of beauty treatment....
but why unsweetened?
cuz i'm sweet enough without it!

...god, thats so cheesy
lmao! oh that made my day :D
lul, win comment
I thought we were talking about naked people! Did I ever mention that I LOVE boobs?
um.. for the most part i grew up to social distortion. But i wore just dickie shorts and a t shirt. I turned all metal head and wore all black, with a black jacket on a 100 degree day. Then i went through a rockabilly\greaser stage with black t's cuffed and 501 levi's cuffed and converse and slicked hair. Now i just wear dickies cause it is comfortable and idk what anyone else thinks of them.


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