Mohawks Rock

If you guys want/have children how would/do you raise them? Do you raise them on children's shows and cartoons, or do you let them watch action or horror movies?

Personally I was raised on horror movies and metal. My husband are trying to have kids and I plan on raising our kids in much the same way, except on punk not metal (even though I do like me some metal, but they'll mostly be hearing punk as that's mostly what my husband and I listen to).... and I won't have them around any illegal drugs.

So what's your take?

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AS long as your not hurting them or doing n e thing iklleagle go for it and enjoy ! Kids are a great gift from god I love mine
Nah, I would never hurt a kid unless I'm spanking them. Even then I would only spank them hard enough for them to know they're in big trouble. lol
I hate children. I really really hate them.

In the case of my friend's children, younger siblings, cousins, whatever-I don't mind them. The reason is probably because they were raised with some semblance of manners and taught to behave like human beings rather than wild animals.

If I were to ever have children, I would be a good parent and I'm relatively certain they would grow up to mentally sound for the most part. They could watch what I thought they were mature enough to handle watching.

But in general, most people's children make me want to fucking die. The majority of people who seem to have children should never have been allowed to procreate. EVER. Like, really-have you ever just wanted to punch someone's fucking kid in public for acting like little piss ants? And their parents just laugh or don't pay any attention? Fuck. Get your children under control, go home, or if you can't control them, stick them in a fucking zoo where they obviously belong. What happened to birth control?

Ahh. I feel better now that I've said that.
Yep. Being that I work at the Walmart here in Joplin, I see that shit AAALLLL the time. Parents just let their kids destroy my department after I JUST straightened it up. God that pisses me off so much. One day I saw a couple of kids running and screaming through the store (with their parents and grandparents right behind them) and asked them, very nicely, to stop. So grandma comes up to me and says "What the fuck is your problem? Nobody else ever says anything to them." I just stared her square in the eye and said "That's probably because they figure you'd have enough sense to not let them run through the store and that you're a bad guardian for letting them do so." That pissed her off so bad! hahaha She left the store right after that.
I know exactly what you mean. (Except, I work in a mall...)

I had one mom flip out on me for asking her children (three or four times, ended up having to yell over the balls noise) to not bounce the balls in my store because I couldn't hear the people right in front of me at my own register. You don't have to bounce a ball continuously for 20 minutes to test it. One bounce or two, okay. Anything more is playing, especially if it ends up bouncing into my merchandise and knocking it over and hitting customers (which is what happens a lot).

Also the kids who come in thinking the store is their stomping ground, and can throw, use, take, or play with whatever they find and leave it in a wreck..... RAAAAGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I have made kids clean up after themselves. I'm sorry, we aren't paid to clean up after bored children. We get paid to sell merchandise, upsell certain products, and return the rest of the unsold product forward. Not to clean up the cups of liquids (coffee, soda, juice, and who knows what) and the food wrappers, or the gum kids spit onto the floor because they have no common courtesy for the people trying to shop and the store they are in.

Working in retail and in a tourist area on top of that has eliminated any extraneous desire that i might have had for kids.
My Kids would sure as hell have manners though. Respect. Know what good music and movies are, and not live sugar coated disney lives. That is not necessary. I think if you treat kids with respect, they'll grow up and treat you with respect when they are older. I think there needs to be a slight bit of lee-way, and room to grow, experiment (with different styles, sports, activities, not necessarily drugs), and to make mistakes. I think that would help them grow into well rounded adults.
Not the kids who are kept under lock and key and act out when they get any room to be free, because they don't know what else to do and have no idea how to handle themselves.
OMMG SQUEEE!!! Yes! This is exactly what I'm talking about. I think the whole problem with kids and teenagers today is that their parents just don't give two shits. They're too busy leading their own self-serving lives.
I only hope karma comes their way sooner, rather than later.

It's very disappointing.
I've also seen grown adults acting like this, too...
Ugh. That's even worse than the kids doing it.
Want shocking? Check out 4chan.
well i agree with you
I'm not trying to judge you or anything; but I feel it's important to share my opinion on this matter.

First, children are not people, they are not like miniature adults. Children live in their own separate world and, in fact, function very differently than adults. As we grow from an infant to an adult we go through numerous stages of development in both our cognitive abilities and our understanding of morality.

Young children lack the ability to comprehend the concept of "permanent objects" (for those of you that don't know, this means that they cannot imagine something continuing to exist when they are no longer perceiving it) or the permanent laws which govern this world; they are also incapable of understanding a point of view other than their own. Their brain functions in a very different different manner than our own; while we have developed an understanding of the world and universe around us they are still trying to piece the concept of reality together. And as for morality; children are not motivated to act "good" or "naughty" based upon a desire to act ethically but rather to avoid punishment and to invite praise. A child cannot understand why they should or should not act a certain way; they simply know what brings them pain and what brings them a reward. And as for the use of pain, that form of punishment without a doubt has its uses.

Yes, one should not hurt children when they make an honest mistake and violence should never be used in excess on a child. However, the fact is that when you fuck up in life you feel pain; that may not necessarily be immediate nor physical but you will suffer all the same. A little pain used to control an overly dis-obedient child at the right time can teach them a very valuable lesson. As much as we would like the world to be perfect for our young it simply cannot be; better to prepare them for the simple facts of life rather than let them run around making decisions for themselves and acting in an un-acceptable manner.

It is also a fact that when you, or anyone else, decide to have young you are agreeing to take responsibility for that child until one of you is dead or until you find another to take your place. That means that the rest of society does not need to be burdened by screaming little shits in a public place when we never made the choice of having them created. Once again, I am not trying to insult you or to judge your outlook on life; but I wanted to share my own feelings on this matter as well as provide some information to both you and others who read this discussion.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I see little fucking brats running around the place everywhere I go; but I don't think it is so much the fault of the kids as it is the parents. Too many parents in modern times are too busy with their own lives to care for their genital droppings. I just want to walk up to these irresponsible fucks and say, "hate to break it to ya but when you have kids you have no fucking life! Don't like it? Don't have a kid you fuckwit!". Seriously, what excuse to people in the modern western world have when it comes to unwanted children? There are sooo many birth control products out there and you can tell if your pregnant within a few weeks as well as abortions. Last I checked it took around 9 months to create a baby; what possible excuse can these people have?

Another thing that pisses me off is that you aren't even allowed to swat or yell at the little fuck when they are clearly over-stepping their boundaries. In my opinion its natural selection; if your dumb enough to continuously antagonize someone who is around three times your size you deserve whats coming to you. There was this one time when I went out to a restaurant with my family and we got seated right next to this other family with a little 3 year old (guessing) brat who wouldn't stop wailing for ages. When our food finally came the little bastard kept snatching some food off of my plate (the little shit) and I let it pass the first couple of times for obvious reasons and each time his parents just laughed like, "awww isn't he so cute and funny hahahaha." Well he tried it a third time and I smacked his hand (not that hard) and he started screaming and crying and everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of kiddie raping monster (the fact that I was rocking a Mohawk didn't help my case.) Brats like this make me lose all faith in humanity.


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