Mohawks Rock

Like with a bic razor. I'm thinking about doing it for the first time. Anyone here ever do it? Is there a way to shave with one of those razors without hacking chunks off of the sides? What did you think of it, if you've done it before? Like it? Not like it? I've been using clippers with no guard so I guess it won't be that much of a difference for me. I hope its not that much harder to do it with a bic razor? I don't know?? What to do??

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shave against the grain, short strokes, in the shower, its makes it alot easier due to water, go from different angles etc
it is better to do it yourself
yep all the time , as Seg says do it in the shower the hot water helps and stops the razor from clogging up .
see, i know things
go for it, the sides grow back crazy fas
what i do is i put my hawk up first and bic (razor) it coz if the base of the hawk is strong the razor doesnt cut in to it.
ive been doing it for years and havent had a chunk get sliced out yet =D
Great Idea. Never thought of that. I was worried about taking chunks out of it.
the problem is if you get hairspray on the side hairs the the razor doesn't cut them, and if it does then it hurts heaps and/or clogs the razor.
and you cant have the hawk up always
Damn!! Didn't think of the side hair thing. That sucks caused my side hairs are about 1/2 inch long right now.
usea shaver to shave them to a number 1, then razor it
I used too use a razor too shave the sides of my head when I had a 'hawk and it worked out pretty fine. I say go for it.


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