Mohawks Rock

Ask Mohawk Matt. Founder & Chief Barber, BOLT BARBERS™ For Social Beasts™

Got A Question About your Mohawk?

Happy To Anwser Any Questions You Have About Shearing, Styling, & Up Keep Of That Hawk You Are Rocking.

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I have relatively thick hair. When i style my hawk i have to use a straightening iron before i can wear it up. My question is.....What would damage my hair more....Straightening it with a flattening iron everyday or just putting a straightener in it? Thanks for any advice

Great You Are Rockin A Hawk. Neither Straightners or The Iron are great for your hair, but you can compensate by Usining A Protein Rich Moisturizer (preferably a leave in one) after each shampoo. When using the iron, avoid getting to close to the roots as those you don't want to damage. And same with the straightner. Avoid getting it too close to your roots.

Keep Rockin!

Mohawk Matt
Thank you
hey hey, welcome to mohawksrock! good advice from mohawk matt;my hair is curly and prone to frizz due to humidity. i also sometimes use a flat iron on my hai when i wear the hawk downr. i use aussie's 3 minute miracle as my take down/rinse product for bringing down my hawk or libs (and whenever I wash my hair). it's about 5 bucks a bottle and a little goes a long way.

i also like the nourishing coconut milk split ends mender by organix as my leave in conditioner (i use it on all my hair, not just the ends); it's more like $6-7 bucks, works very well and smells like summer (coconuts)... bonus! it has coconut milk, coconut oils, egg white proteins, silk and keratin proteins - makes my hair happy! hope this helps!
Where can i get those products?
Anybody, Anybody Anwser This Question...
CVS. Wal Mart. Wal Greens. Drug Stores. Target.

WoW! that is some sweet ink you got there Mohawk Matt!!! gonna color it all in too! nice! i am especially diggin' the checkerboard floor... and of course, all the mohawked guys!!
Thanks dude. 43.5 hours worth for the backpiece in 4 sessions!! Will stay black and grey. That's the look in LA ya know!
oh, i got a question.

when i put my hawk up, its about 7 or 8 inches now, after putting it up, the tips curl in. ALWAYS to the same side(inwards to the left side. MY left side) i don't know why, my hair only curls when i grow it out LOOONG, when its down its straight. iv been simply trying my hardest to keep the tips as straight as possible, but i end up spending more times on that then any other part.

any tips of tricks :\?

I deal with this all the time at the barbershop. On longer hawks, you need to use a heavy duty hair glue A N D a Freeze/Blast Spray. I Like The Got2B Line from Target & Rite Aide. Use The hair Glue first and swaddle the ends with the glue using your fingers. then blow it and afterwards freeze spray it with got2b Glued freezing Spray. Both $4.95 at TAR...JAYYYYY.

Good Luck
ah i do have thous, i stopped using the glue though a while back. ill try it again how you said to. thanks.


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