Mohawks Rock

Ask Mohawk Matt. Founder & Chief Barber, BOLT BARBERS™ For Social Beasts™

Got A Question About your Mohawk?

Happy To Anwser Any Questions You Have About Shearing, Styling, & Up Keep Of That Hawk You Are Rocking.

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Ever try straightening the ends after you finish? I use hair spray, and only hair spray in my hair (thick and curly) and my hair will curl over the side of the comb when I do it. If I'm too lazy to do the ends by hand, a straightener should correct that minor detail.
this usually happens to me too.. all i do is once i have my hair up i go back to the tips and spray them good and then keep my hand against the side its curling twords (to hold it up straight) while i blow dry it. do it in sections until your entire fan is done. i like bed head hard head hairspray because it has a strong flexible hold and drys nice and quick.
i usually do that, but usually some hair will get stuck to my hand and it ends up bunching together creating some dam gaps in the top of my hair :(

Wet your hands with a spray bottle to avoid this. Slightly damp hair will make your hawk more pliable but won't collapse it unless you douse it.....providing you're using good product like Got2B Glued or freezing Spray.
Can any competent hairdresser cut a mohawk?

Are there any hints/tips/suggestions anyone can give me before I get this done for the first time? I'm a chick with fine, shoulder length hair in Australia - would appreciate any advice.
ask them if they have ever cut a hawk before.. if they say no, id find someone else to be honest.
and when you do find the right person give them as much detail as to what you want as possible! im sick of people complaining their hairdresser messed up their cut but they didnt tell them what they wanted to begin with XD
I'm not sure about your area, but in my area there is a salon specifically for alternative colors and styles. If you can find one, that's what I would recommend. If not, as corpsequeen stated, just ask if they've done it before.
If you're rocking a hawk, be original and avoid salons. A barbershop is the place to get hawked.
I know what you're saying, but the place in VA Beach specializes in mohawks and similar things. What you said about cosmetologists is definitely true though.
Alison, You should mention contact coordinates for the VA Beach Shop here so others passing through can stop in and get their hawks rockin! Bolt Barbers in downtown LA ( will help those on the left coast who are too far from lovely Virginia Beach
At the risk of upsetting cosmetologists around the planet, there is a world of difference in schooling between a competent cosmetologist and a competent barber. The Mohawk requires great skill with clippers and a straight edge, and generally speaking, cosmetologists get little training with clipper cuts during school and are not legally able to use a straight edge. Not to say cosmos are incompetent. They are just not trained nor licensed to use a straight edge. The mohawk is an awesome cut. Barbers know how to cut these. It's part of their education. Fine a competent barber to make it rock!
im getting a mohawk this coming weekend. and i keep hearing every one say to use either a 1, 1.5 or 2 inch base? any advice on that?


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