Mohawks Rock

Do you shave the sides of your head yourself? - Because I fail

Just curious. Do you do it yourself or get a friend/relative to shave the sides of your head for you?

I had a friend shave the sides of my head twice, but I didn't want to keep relying on him to do so every week or so. His lady is about 5 months pregnant, so the less I bother them the better. Plus they live quite a distance away and I don't have a car.

So... I've been doing it myself. I tried a second mirror, but I was confusing myself.
Instead I use my hand as a barrier to stop the clippers running into hair I want to keep.

But tonight I failed.

The sight of EPIC FAIL

Larger versions plus photos of the damage uploaded already.

After tonight, I'm going to try to get another friend to help me. I'll see how bad it looks tomorrow when I put it up, but I don't think it's going to be too noticable. I hope.

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Sorry I missed what you said. I was checking that my balls were still in my hand bag :P~~
That's what I do too, works fine for me.
Though, 2 mirrors is kind of hard at first, especially when you have to hold the other one. When I first started, I always used the 3 piece mirror, which is basically like a vanity mirror with turnable sides, just alot smaller.
Still the easiest way for me is, shaving the sides when your hair is up with a disposable razor. It's basically impossible to accidently shave into the hawk, because the razor won't go through the hairspray.

But don't worry, I'm sure almost everyone here has or had chunks missing out of their hawk haha. Even I do. I'm currently letting some of the missing parts grow out too and nobody's noticed.
hahahaha wow your post made me feeel a whole lot better
yeah i fuck my hair up a lot
i never do it 100% by my self
i do most of it then have my brother fix the back
i use to have my mate do it
well that was only once.
but yeah your not alone on the whole failing part
Awesome. It's very re-assuring to know that I'm not the only one that's done it (I knew that I couldn't be the only one, but to actually have others say so is good).

At work today, no one noticed the missing part. They were looking higher. I'm getting better at putting the spikes up :D
And I guess it's only a tiny chunk of hair that I got.
i have my mum to do mine
she does evreything for it
shaves it
bleaches it
dyes itt
when i first got the hawk my friend tried to do it but messed up so i went to a shop and got it done. after that I just had my mentor cut it down to like a 1 every 2 weeks or so at church.
I use my hand just takes a lot of skill. I take mini chunks out soetimes
I shave mine myself and have not had any problems , then again I have had some practice ;) I put mine up then shave it in the shower like Seg , I use a fine tooth comb and a good quality razor , I use the comb as a physical barrier and start from the hawk out , I have to take my time as I have a few dents in my head that I nick every now and then , you will soon learn how much pressure you need to put against the comb with the razor to get close enough .
I used to shave mine myself (even with just a bic razor, now i use an electric pair of clippers).
I used 2 mirrors to see the back. That really helped.
Now my boyfriend does it, and its a lot easier. So, maybe grab a friend?
CVS! <3 Go go go.
i just shaved my head.
but i cant see that far back....
so...i'm pretty good.
cut my head shaving tho
don't think it suits me anyway.
i cant cut it myself either, last time i cut my hawk myself it was crooked, i really need to work on that next time.


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