Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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i attack people with my hair, lol. but i guess when in jiu jitsu training it's slightly more acceptable. my sensei thinks it's hilarious :p
OH MY GOD. I've only heard this all week:

Where did your hair go?!
(cause it's not up.) I obviously still have a thick strip of hair on my head, either hanging lose or in a pony tail... where do you fucking think it went?
Oh yeah, when my hair was down I got "wheres your mohawk?" . "It's on my head"

"Wheres your tribe, chief?" I got that at wal-mart
No fucking way. I would have decked the person. "My tribe is all around the fucking world!" hahahahaha
I hate that, and when people think its a faux hawk because the sides aren't completely shaved. I have to explain in great detail the difference.
Fuuuuuuck I hate that too. This girl in my class calls it a fauxhawk like every day cause the sides aren't bald.
I have to ride the bus with a bunch of little kids, on e one girl looked at my hair, and saide " ha ha, your hair is sticking up." " yeah, thats the point"
My dad asks me how much longer am I gonna waste my time and money with my hair.
Yesterday, I walked by a daycare and the little kids were like "LOOK, look I thought it was a wig!" "A wig a wig!" Then they were screaming "wig wig" and "witch witch". Yay!
Haha, I went to the mall a few weeks ago and as I was walking two little kids (around 4 or 5 years old) started pointing and giggling and saying "WOAH!" and "Look at her hair!". Their mother apologized but I just laughed and said "it's ok."

Hmm.. about stupid questions, I get the same few most of the time, like "How long did it take?" and "What do you use?".

I remember around a month ago at school I walking to the bus and some jock dude whom I don't even know was with a bunch of his friends and he yelled out "Is that a guy in a skirt?" so I just said back "No, it's the bitch with the combat boots."
I wasn't mad, I would have been but it was too funny to see the shocked look on his face when I yelled something back.
"the bitch with the combat boots" awesome ^.^
I seriously love you.
nice one, kayla valo!!!


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