Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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dude, you're crackin' me up!!! very clever one-liners!
Most people have good comments about mine. I'm noticing a few around here, but most of them are an inch tall at most. Only one guy has had a decent one and his was about 4 inches high in a really neat fan. I have 10 inch spikes and I'm reasonably tall already so I get noticed.

Lately I've been getting a lot of "Did you stick your fingers in the power point?" from customers in my store.
I just tell them "No, I lost a bet and had to do this". They usually laugh at which point I just loudly whisper to a workmate "They think I'm joking" and leave.

I do get the standard "How long does it take?" "How do you sleep with it like that?"
I just tell them the answers. In fact my workmates have started answering for me because most people are afraid to ask me
I hate the "can I touch it" question. No you can't touch it, fuck off!!
when it's up i get "can i touch it?" i say yea i don't mind
it's when people don't ask that i mind. a guy walked by in school and randomly touched the side of my head. it was odd cuz i don't know the dude like that and my hair wasn't even up.
i also get "why don't you put it up?" a hole lot. i tell em cuz i'm lazy and i'm not getting up early also cuz my school is gay and they bitch if it's more than two inches.
once i got "why don't you shave the sides? that'd be sexy. I'd like to rub your head then." me and my friend were like o.o what the fuck man. and it was even weirder cuz he had just asked to touch my head and was rubbing the sides while he said it. i quickly moved back.
I had a weird comment just 5 minutes ago, saying it looked like I was going to put on a sarong and dance... What does that mean?

a sarong is a brightly coloured wrap-around skirt that women usually wear and it's often found in tropical areas.

so... i really don't understand what the hell that person meant.
Yeah you pretty much took the words out of my mouth there.....
I know right? It was this older women, maybe she was trying to be clever. It was really hard not to ask her what the hell are you talking about.

Oh and fyi I do in fact know what a sarong is, thank you for explaining anyway.
should have just said it.
I would have but it was a client of my co-workers. Thats the problem with some jobs you have to kiss ass a little so that they will come back.
I would have given her an odd look and smiled like huh?
ok soo i wore my mohawk down a couple days ago was really the first time id ever worn it down to school....and i think i attracted more people with it down then with it up...soo i got a new standing in line for lunch and this guy says ..omg your mohawk is down...then hes like is it because your not turned on ...someone should turn you on and see and then this freakin girl grabbed me and i was like WOAHHH WTF ...and they were like oh i guess not ...


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