Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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ok, i'm officially too old and too curious... what is this :are the windows shiny: business?
I get that a lot... Being a stripper i tell them to come see me at work and find out. LMFAO... The answer is yes by the by!
I've gotten, did you lose a bet. Do I have a job. Do I want a high paying job, cause I can't get one with my 'hawk. When do I plan on cutting it. how long does it take. Did I lose a bet is the one that pisses me off the most. What someone can't get a mohawk because they want one? Are you worried that you'l drive away customers? (I get that one because I'm a massage therapist) You don't see me asking them, why do you look homeless. Or why don't you buy nicer clothes? Why do they shop at American Eagle just to look like everyone else? Or why don't you shave off that moustache ma'am? No, I leave them the hell alone, they can dress poorly and look stupid all they want. But I keep those opinions to myself and leave them alone.
WHAT!! Have you seen the adorable dimple? Ok I do look intimidating at first but then they meet me and are all like "awwww wook at the adorwable mohawk teddy bear" Or kitten as girl I dated said I reminded her of a kitten... she was crazy...
"Or why don't you shave off that moustache ma'am?" you crack me up... yeah, i see some women who need to shave the moustache off!!! but you are right, we don't ask them!!!
LOL oh my this thread had me rolling with laughs!!

I hate when people ask how do you sleep with it that way? That's so stupid!

Some lady at work asked me "how the hell are you going to get that out of your hair?" - referring to the pink dye....*roll eyes*
" why can't you be normal " you mean I'm not normal because of my hair ?
" how can you sleep with your hair like that " easy I chainsawed a slot in my pillow !
" does it hurt " let me impale you on my spikes then you can tell me !
" why dont your boss make you cut it off " I don't know maybe he is not ignorant !
" how long does it take to get it up " usually 30 seconds of foreplay !
" will they snap off " only if you dip me in nitrogen !
" can I touch it " I barely know you !
AHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH! i have to use some of those responses
its funner when they say "can i touch it" just start unzipping your pants.
excellent response!!!
i love 'em!!!!! i might be forced to steal these, in the kindest way of course


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