Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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i had a lady ask me if my hair was real....i told it was a wig the got fused to my scalp (yes just like joe dirt).........she believed me XD
ok so some old lady with a pink poodle walked up to my bud, looked at his mohawk and asked "Does it hurt?"
he said "does yours?"
she said "No"
and he goes "theres your answer then"
"excuse me can i take a picture of your hair?"
"ha, no"
"o please, i have kids just like that"
"then take a picture of their hair"
"o, no they dont have their hair like that, but they'd be into that kinda thing"
"so basically they'd like to stop and stare or look of pictures of someone else doing it but dont have the balls to do it themselves?.. tell your emo kids to go die"
You obviously know shit all about Emo.
me favourite:

- " Wot do you do when it rains? "
- " the same as u. I stay out of it, dumb f*! "
ah, there's another one!

- " can I take a picture with u? "
- " suuuure, just pay me beer! "
people ask me wat i use so i tell them hair spray but they insist to argue with me and tell me i use gell glue watever i tell them and they get all anal and act retarded people should jus take take the answer.
haha i love when some idiot trys to tell you how and what you should be doing/using
best ones iv had are " is that your real hair?" and "how much gel does that take?.......... you use what?.......glue? do you get that out then?"
but dont ya just love it when really little kids see you in the street and say "daddy look at his hair"
tell um to suck yuh deek
Fuck off.
I walked into a shoppers and a girl comes up to and asks...
" Is that your real hair? "

no... i glued a fake mohawk to my head? come on now....


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