Mohawks Rock

Okay. So I'm just not myself like this.

I miss my hair like mad! But I'm a manager and in a professional position. I need to look professional. I've already been hassled at work about my piercings and I don't want to jeopardize my position.

I can do these things with my hair:

Get a toned-down chelsea

Get a chelsea-hawk wide so I can part it and make it look normal(risky...)

Get a wig and do whatever the fuck pleases me
Wait until I move in Nov-Dec to do anything

Feedback, please. I want to hear your rational advice!

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Is that believeable???
It seems like it would be easiest to get a wig. But I'd try a wide chelsea first, and see how that works.
I'd recommend waiting. I was fired from my job a couple summers ago because my boss saw me outside work and realized that my strange hairstyle was (gasp) a mohawk and I must be some satanist or vandal or something.

Of course, if you aren't morally opposed to it, there's always a fauxhawk. But it's not nearly as cool, and it's annoying to go from fauxhawk back to mohawk. Too long a growing period.
No. I am mortally opposed to fauxhawks. I am 100% certain that if I was given a fauxhawk, my mind and body would reject it, thus ending my short life.

So many good ideas and thoughts. >./body>
If your hair is long enough, you can find tons of things to do with it.

what kind of length are you looking at right now?
My pic with the snake is the most recent.

Ughhhhhh. I HATE having long hair. It is constantly in my way, it doesn't look nearly as attractive, and I miss my shaved. =,(

I really do. All of my buddys used to greet me by coming up and rubbing the sides of my head.
if it's long enough, and you have a wide-ish chelsea hawk you can:

wear a pony tail (if your sides are close or identical to the color of your hawk, it's hard to tell)
separate it out (bangs) and clip the rest back, and make if floofy and 'messy' or SASSY. yeah.
braid it
headbands (semi-wide ones) which hide most shaved parts fairly well

I had more ideas but i forgot.

I think we need a forum called "Ask Khaos."

No, I think we should actually demand it.
>.> well, there is my comment section, haha.

But, I had to do a lot of this between various jobs. I promise. Cell phone hustler, CVS, aquarium........ haha
i have a chelsea hawk, you unfortunitly have to leave a little length on the sides but theres quite a few easily hairstyles to hide it :] i recommend going in that direction.. you can pull it back, you can put it in pig tails, you can twist it up and make it look like a short messy style.. etc

another style thats easily to pull off the normal look is a chelsea trihawk


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